The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- EnglishParliament shall pass statutes. It shall monitor the action of the Government. It shall assess public policies.
It shall comprise the National Assembly and the Senate.
Members of the National Assembly, whose number shall not exceed five hundred and seventy-seven, shall be elected by direct suffrage.
The Senate, whose members shall not exceed three hundred and forty-eight, shall be elected by indirect suffrage. The Senate shall ensure the representation of the territorial communities of the Republic.
… (1958 Constitution, Art. 24) - FrenchLe Parlement vote la loi. Il contrôle l'action du Gouvernement. Il évalue les politiques publiques.
Il comprend l'Assemblée nationale et le Sénat.
Les députés à l'Assemblée nationale, dont le nombre ne peut excéder cinq cent soixante-dix-sept, sont élus au suffrage direct.
Le Sénat, dont le nombre de membres ne peut excéder trois cent quarante-huit, est élu au suffrage indirect. Il assure la représentation des collectivités territoriales de la République.
… (Constitution 1958, Art. 24)
- English1 Seanad Éireann shall be composed of sixty members, of whom eleven shall be nominated members and forty-nine shall be elected members.
2 A person to be eligible for membership of Seanad Éireann must be eligible to become a member of Dáil Éireann.
3 The nominated members of Seanad Éireann shall be nominated, with their prior consent, by the Taoiseach who is appointed next after the reassembly of Dáil Éireann following the dissolution thereof which occasions the nomination of the said members.
4 1° The elected members of Seanad Éireann shall be elected as follows:—
i Three shall be elected by the National University of Ireland.
ii Three shall be elected by the University of Dublin.
iii Forty-three shall be elected from panels of candidates constituted as hereinafter provided.
2° Provision may be made by law for the election, on a franchise and in the manner to be provided by law, by one or more of the following institutions, namely:
i the universities mentioned in subsection 1° of this section,
ii any other institutions of higher education in the State,
of of so many members of Seanad Éireann as may be fixed by law in substitution for an equal number of the members to be elected pursuant to paragraphs i and ii of the said subsection 1°.
A member or members of Seanad Éireann may be elected under this subsection by institutions grouped together or by a single institution.
5 Every election of the elected members of Seanad Éireann shall be held on the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote, and by secret postal ballot.
6 The members of Seanad Éireann to be elected by the Universities shall be elected on a franchise and in the manner to be provided by law.
7 1° Before each general election of the members of Seanad Éireann to be elected from panels of candidates, five panels of candidates shall be formed in the manner provided by law containing respectively the names of persons having knowledge and practical experience of the following interests and services, namely:–
i National Language and Culture, Literature, Art, Education and such professional interests as may be defined by law for the purpose of this panel;
ii Agriculture and allied interests, and Fisheries;
iii Labour, whether organised or unorganised;
iv Industry and Commerce, including banking, finance, accountancy, engineering and architecture;
v Public Administration and social services, including voluntary social activities.
2° Not more than eleven and, subject to the provisions of Article 19 hereof, not less than five members of Seanad Éireann shall be elected from any one panel.
… (Art. 18) - Irish Gaelic1 Seasca comhalta líon Sheanad Éireann, .i. aon duine dhéag a ainmneofar agus naonúr is daichead a thoghfar.
2 Ionas go mbeadh duine inghlactha ar chomhaltas Sheanad Éireann ní foláir é a bheith inghlactha ar chomhaltas Dháil Éireann.
3 Na comhaltaí a ainmneofar do Sheanad Éireann ainmneofar iad le réamhchead uathu féin ag an Taoiseach a cheapfar ar Dháil Éireann d’ationól i ndiaidh an lánscoir ar Dháil Éireann is siocair leis na comhaltaí sin a ainmniú.
4 1° Na comhaltaí a thoghfar do Sheanad Éireann, is ar an gcuma seo a leanas a thoghfar iad:—
i Toghfaidh Ollscoil na hÉireann triúr.
ii Toghfaidh Ollscoil Bhaile Átha Cliath triúr.
iii Toghfar triúr is daichead as rollaí d’iarrthóirí a chóireofar ar an gcuma a shocraítear anseo inár ndiaidh.
2° Féadfar foráil a dhéanamh le dlí chun go dtoghfar de réir toghchórais, agus ar an modh, a shocrófar le dlí, ag ceann amháin nó níos mó de na forais seo a leanas, eadhon:
i na hOllscoileanna a luaitear i bhfo-alt 1° den alt seo,
ii aon fhorais eile ardoideachais sa Stát,
an líon sin comhaltaí de Sheanad Éireann a shocrófar le dlí in ionad líon comhionann de na comhaltaí a bheas le toghadh de bhun míreanna i agus ii den fho-alt sin 1°.
Féadfar comhalta nó comhaltaí de Sheanad Éireann a thoghadh faoin bhfo-alt seo ag forais a bheas tiomsaithe le chéile nó ag foras aonair.
5 Gach toghchán dá mbeidh ann do na comhaltaí a thoghfar do Sheanad Éireann is de réir na hionadaíochta cionúire a dhéanfar é agus ar mhodh an aonghutha inaistrithe, le rúnbhallóid phoist.
6 Na comhaltaí a thoghfar do Sheanad Éireann ag na hOllscoileanna is de réir toghchórais, agus ar an modh, a shocrófar le dlí a thoghfar iad.
7 1° Roimh gach olltoghchán do na comhaltaí do Sheanad Éireann a thoghfar as rollaí d’iarrthóirí cóireofar ar an gcuma a shocrófar le dlí cúig rolla d’iarrthóirí ar a mbeidh ainmneacha daoine ag a mbeidh eolas agus cleachtadh ar na gnóthaí agus na seirbhísí seo a leanas faoi seach:–
i An Ghaeilge agus an tSaíocht Náisiúnta, Litríocht, Ealaíonacht, Oideachas agus cibé gairmeacha a léireofar le dlí chun críche an rolla seo;
ii Talmhaíocht, maille le gnóthaí a bhaineas léi, agus Iascaireacht;
iii Oibreachas, cibé comheagraithe é nó nach ea;
iv Tionscal is Tráchtáil ar a n-áirítear baincéireacht, airgeadas, cuntasaíocht, innealtóireacht agus foirgníocht;
v Riarachán Poiblí agus seirbhísí comhdhaonnacha, agus obair chomhdhaonnach dheonach a áireamh.
2° Ní cead níos mó ná aon duine dhéag ná, faoi chuimsiú forálacha Airteagail 19 den Bhunreacht seo, níos lú ná cúigear de chomhaltaí Sheanad Éireann a thoghadh as aon rolla áirithe.
… (Airteagal 18)
- English
Subject to the provisions of article 54 of this Constitution, a person shall be qualified to be elected as a member of the House of Representatives if, and shall not be qualified to be so elected unless, that person has attained the age of eighteen years and he has the qualifications for registration as a voter for the election of members of the House of Representatives mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (c) of article 57 of this Constitution. (Art. 53)
- Maltese
Bla ħsara għad-disposizzjonijiet tal-artikolu 54 ta’ din il-Kostituzzjoni, persuna tkun kwalifikata biex tkun eletta bħala membru tal-Kamra tad-Deputati jekk ikollha, u ma tkunx kwalifikata biex tkun hekk eletta kemm-il darba ma jkollhiex l-età ta’ tmintax-il sena u l-kwalifiki għar-reġistrazzjoni bħala elettur għall-elezzjoni ta’ membri tal-Kamra tad-Deputati msemmija fil-paragrafi (a) u (ċ) tal-artikolu 57 ta’ din il-Kostituzzjoni. (Art. 53)
- EnglishThe Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia is composed of 120 to 140 Representatives. The Representatives are elected at general, direct and free elections and by secret ballot.
… (Art. 62) - MacedonianСобранието го сочинуваат од 120 до 140 пратеници. Пратениците се избираат на општи, непосредни и слободни избори со тајно гласање.
… (Член 62)
- English
The Great and General Council, made up of 60 members, shall exercise the legislative power, direct and control the Government policy.
The electoral law, passed by an absolute majority, shall govern the election, the causes of ineligibility and disqualification, as well as the incompatibilities of the Council’s members. A law passed by a qualified majority shall discipline the guarantees and responsibilities of such members.
The Council’s members shall be elected by universal and direct suffrage for the duration of the legislature. Their mandate shall end with the dissolution of the Council or for the reasons indicated in the preceding paragraph.
The internal organisation and the functions of the Great and General Council shall be disciplined by the Council’s Rules of Procedure, adopted by an absolute majority of its members.
… (Art. 3) - Italian
Al Consiglio Grande e Generale composto di sessanta membri, spetta il potere legislativo, la determinazione dell'indirizzo politico e l'esercizio delle funzioni di controllo.
La legge elettorale, adottata a maggioranza assoluta, disciplina l'elezione, le cause di ineleggibilità, di decadenza, il regime delle incompatibilità dei Consiglieri. Una legge qualificata disciplina il regime delle responsabilità e delle guarentigie dei Consiglieri.
I Consiglieri sono eletti a suffragio universale e diretto per la durata della legislatura. Il loro mandato ha termine con lo scioglimento del Consiglio o per le cause di cui al comma precedente.
L'organizzazione interna e le attribuzioni del Consiglio Grande e Generale sono disciplinate dal Regolamento Consiliare, adottato con la maggioranza assoluta dei suoi componenti.
... (Art. 3)
- English1 Subject to the rights of the People and the Cantons, the Federal Assembly is the supreme authority of the Confederation.
2 The Federal Assembly comprises two chambers, the National Council and the Council of States; both chambers shall be of equal standing. (Art. 148) - French1 L’Assemblée fédérale est l’autorité suprême de la Confédération, sous réserve des droits du peuple et des cantons.
2 Elle se compose de deux Chambres, le Conseil national et le Conseil des Etats, dotées des mêmes compétences. (Art. 148) - German1 Die Bundesversammlung übt unter Vorbehalt der Rechte von Volk und Ständen die oberste Gewalt im Bund aus.
2 Die Bundesversammlung besteht aus zwei Kammern, dem Nationalrat und dem Ständerat; beide Kammern sind einander gleichgestellt. (Art. 148) - Italian1 L’Assemblea federale esercita il potere supremo nella Confederazione, fatti salvi i diritti del Popolo e dei Cantoni.
2 L’Assemblea federale consta di due Camere, il Consiglio nazionale e il Consiglio degli Stati; le due Camere sono dotate delle stesse competenze. (Art. 148)
- EnglishThe General Council consists of a minimum of twenty-eight and a maximum of forty-two General Councillors, half of whom shall be elected in an equal number by each of the seven Parishes and the other half elected on the basis of a national single constituency. (Art. 52)
- CatalanEl Consell General es compon d'un mínim de vint-i-vuit i d'un màxim de quaranta-dos consellers generals, la meitat dels quals s'elegeixen a raó d'un nombre igual per cadascuna de les set parròquies i l'altra meitat s'elegeix per circumscripció nacional. (Art. 52)
- EnglishThe Croatian Parliament shall be a representative body of the people and shall be vested with legislative power in the Republic of Croatia. (Art. 70)
- CroatianHrvatski sabor je predstavničko tijelo građana i nositelj zakonodavne vlasti u Republici Hrvatskoj. (Članak 70)
- English1. The legislative powers shall be exercised by the Parliament and the President of the Republic.
… (Art. 26) - Greek1. H νομοθετική λειτουργία ασκείται από τη Bουλή και τον Πρόεδρο της Δημοκρατίας.
… ('Αρθρο 26)
- EnglishThe Saeima shall be elected in general, equal and direct elections, and by secret ballot based on proportional representation. (Art. 6)
- LatvianSaeimu ievēlē vispārīgās, vienlīdzīgās, tiešās, aizklātās un proporcionālās vēlēšanās. (Art. 6)