The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- English
The chamber of deputies represents the country. It exercises the legislative power.
… (Art. 62)
- English
1. The members of the Upper House shall be chosen by the members of the provincial councils and the members of the electoral colleges as referred to in paragraph 2 and in Article 132a, paragraph 3.
… (Art. 55) - Dutch
1. De leden van de Eerste Kamer worden gekozen door de leden van provinciale staten en de leden van de kiescolleges, bedoeld in het tweede lid en artikel 132a, derde lid.
… (Art. 55)
- English(1) The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate shall be elected by universal, equal, direct, secret and free suffrage, in accordance with the electoral law.
… (Art. 62) - Romanian(1) Camera Deputaţilor şi Senatul sunt alese prin vot universal, egal, direct, secret şi liber exprimat, potrivit legii electorale.
… (Art. 62)
- English
The Riksdag is the foremost representative of the people.
It enacts the laws, determines central government taxes and decides how central government funding shall be used. The Riksdag examines the government and administration of the country. (Instrument of Government, Chapter 1, Art. 4) - Swedish
Riksdagen är folkets främsta företrädare.
Riksdagen stiftar lag, beslutar om skatt till staten och bestämmer hur statens medel ska användas. Riksdagen granskar rikets styrelse och förvaltning. (Kungörelse (1974:152) om beslutad ny regeringsform, 1 kap, 4§)
- English
(1) If at a general election which is contested by two or more political parties and in which only candidates of two parties are elected or in the eventuality of an election result as provided for in sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii) of the proviso to sub-article (1) of article 52 and in the event that the number of Members of Parliament of the under-represented sex, elected by virtue of article 52, inclusive of those members elected at a casual election in terms of the relevant regulations, is less than forty per cent (40%) of all the Members of Parliament, then the number of Members of Parliament shall increase by not more than twelve (12) Members of the under-represented sex:
Provided that the number of Members of Parliament of the under-represented sex elected by virtue of article 52 added to the members of the under-represented sex elected by virtue of this article shall not exceed forty per cent (40%) of the total number of elected Members of Parliament making up the House.
The candidates elected by virtue of this article are to be apportioned equally between the absolute majority party or the relative majority party and the minority party.
... (Art 52A) - Maltese
(1) Jekk f’elezzjoni ġenerali li tkun ikkontestata minn żewġ partiti politiċi jew aktar u li fiha l-kandidati ta’ żewġ partiti biss ikunu eletti jew f’każ ta’ riżultat ta’ elezzjoni kif provdut fis-subparagrafi (i) u (ii) tal-proviso tas-subartikolu (1) tal-artikolu 52 u fil-każ li n-numru ta’ Membri tal-Parlament tas-sess l-inqas rappreżentat, elett bis-saħħa tal-artikolu 52, inkluż dawk il-membri eletti f’elezzjoni każwali skont ir-regolamenti rilevanti, huwa inqas minn erbgħin fil-mija (40%) tal-Membri kollha tal-Parlament, allura n-numru ta’ Membri tal Parlament għandu jiżdied b’mhux aktar minn tnax (12)-il Membru tas-sess l-inqas rappreżentat:
Iżda n-numru ta’ Membri Parlamentari tas-sess l-inqas rappreżentat elett bis-saħħa tal-artikolu 52 miżjud mal-membri tas-sess l-inqas rappreżentat elett bis-saħħa ta’ dan l-artikolu ma għandux jaqbeż l-erbgħin fil-mija (40%) tan-numru totali ta’ Membri eletti tal-Parlament li jifforma l-Kamra.
Il-kandidati eletti bis-saħħa ta’ dan l-artikolu għandhom ikunu mqassma ugwalment bejn il-partit b’maġġoranza assoluta jew il partit b’maġġoranza relattiva u l-partit b’minoranza.
... (Art. 52A)
- English
1. The Assembly consists of 140 deputies, elected according to a system of proportional elections with regional competition and national threshold.
2. Electoral subjects that reach the national threshold partake in the distribution of mandates.
3. Voters enjoy the right to give preferential vote to the candidates of multi-name lists. The criteria and rules for the implementation of the electoral system, for the designation of electoral districts, the national threshold, the number of mandates for each district, the distribution of mandates and the extent of the preferential voting are defined in the law on elections. The law on elections shall guarantee that no less than two-thirds of the multi-name list will be subject to preferential voting and that gender representation is guaranteed. (Art. 64) - Albanian
1. Kuvendi përbëhet nga 140 deputetë, të zgjedhur sipas një sistemi zgjedhjesh proporcional me konkurrim rajonal dhe prag kombëtar.
2. Në shpërndarjen e mandateve marrin pjesë subjektet zgjedhore që arrijnë pragun kombëtar.
3. Zgjedhësit gëzojnë të drejtën për të dhënë votë parapëlqyese për kandidatët e listave shumemërore. Kriteret dhe rregullat për zbatimin e sistemit zgjedhor, për caktimin e zonave zgjedhore, pragun kombëtar, numrin e mandateve për secilën zonë, shpërndarjen e mandateve dhe masën e shtrirjes së votimit parapëlqyes përcaktohen në ligjin për zgjedhjet. Ligji për zgjedhjet garanton që votimit parapëlqyes t’i nënshtrohen jo më pak se dy të tretat e listës shumemërore dhe të sigurojë përfaqësim gjinor. (Neni 64)
- EnglishIn order to be appointed as a senator, one must:
1° be Belgian;
2° enjoy civil and political rights;
3° have reached the age of eighteen;
4° be resident in Belgium. (Art. 69) - DutchOm tot senator aangewezen te kunnen worden, moet men:
1° Belg zijn;
2° het genot hebben van de burgerlijke en politieke rechten;
3° de volle leeftijd van achttien jaar hebben bereikt;
4° zijn woonplaats hebben in België. (Art. 69) - FrenchPour être désigné sénateur, il faut:
1° être Belge;
2° jouir des droits civils et politiques;
3° être âgé de dix-huit ans accomplis;
4° être domicilié en Belgique. (Art. 69) - GermanZum Senator kann bestimmt werden, wer
1. Belgier ist,
2. die zivilen und politischen Rechte besitzt,
3. das achtzehnte Lebensjahr vollendet hat und
4. seinen Wohnsitz in Belgien hat. (Art. 69)
- EnglishThe legislative powers are exercised by the Parliament, which shall also decide on State finances.
… (Sec. 3) - FinnishLainsäädäntövaltaa käyttää eduskunta, joka päättää myös valtiontaloudesta.
… (3 §) - SwedishDen lagstiftande makten utövas av riksdagen, som också fattar beslut om statsfinanserna.
… (3 §)
- EnglishAlthingi shall be composed of 63 members elected by the people by secret ballot on the basis of proportional representation for a term of four years.
… (Art. 31) - IcelandicÁ Alþingi eiga sæti 63 þjóðkjörnir þingmenn, kosnir leynilegri hlutbundinni kosningu til fjögurra ára.
… (31. gr.)
- English
(1) Parliament is the supreme representative body of the people of the Republic of Moldova and the sole legislative authority of the State.
(2) Parliament is composed of 101 members. (Art. 60) - Moldovian
(1) Parlamentul este organul reprezentativ suprem al poporului Republicii Moldova şi unica autoritate legislativă a statului.
(2) Parlamentul este compus din 101 deputaţi. (Art. 60)