The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Religious Law
- English
Whereas the People of Trinidad and Tobago—
(a) have affirmed that the Nation of Trinidad and Tobago is founded upon principles that acknowledge the supremacy of God, faith in fundamental human rights and freedoms, the position of the family in a society of free men and free institutions, the dignity of the human person and the equal and inalienable rights with which all members of the human family are endowed by their Creator;
... (Preamble)
Religious Law
- EnglishGuyana is an indivisible, secular, democratic sovereign state in the course of transition from capitalism to socialism and shall be known as the Co-operative Republic of Guyana. (Art. 1)
Religious Law
- English
The Union, the states, the Federal District and the municipalities are forbidden to:
I – establish religious sects or churches, subsidize them, hinder their activities, or maintain relationships of dependence or alliance with them or their representatives, without prejudice to collaboration in the public interest in the manner set forth by law;
… (Art. 19) - Portuguese
É vedado à União, aos Estados, ao Distrito Federal e aos Municípios:
I - estabelecer cultos religiosos ou igrejas, subvencioná-los, embaraçar-lhes o funcionamento ou manter com eles ou seus representantes relações de dependência ou aliança, ressalvada, na forma da lei, a colaboração de interesse público;
… (Art. 19)
Religious Law
- English
Liberty, justice, the respect for the dignity of the human person, political and social pluralism, the recognition to the indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples of their own identity within a unitary and indivisible State, the recognition of the different forms of ownership, free international cooperation, the respect for the free self-determination of Peoples, the Christian values, the socialist ideals, the practices [of] solidarity and the values and ideals of the Nicaraguan culture and identity are principles of the Nicaraguan nation.
Christian values assure the love for [one's] fellow humans [prójimo], the reconciliation between brothers of the Nicaraguan family, the respect for the individual diversity without any discrimination, the respect for and equality of rights of the persons with disabilities and the preferential option for the poor.
... (Art. 5) - Spanish
Son principios de la nación nicaragüense, la libertad, la justicia, el respeto a la dignidad de la persona humana, el pluralismo político y social, el reconocimiento a los pueblos originarios y afrodescendientes de su propia identidad dentro de un Estado unitario e indivisible, el reconocimiento a las distintas formas de propiedad, la libre cooperación internacional, el respeto a la libre autodeterminación de los pueblos, los valores cristianos, los ideales socialistas, las prácticas solidarias, y los valores e ideales de la cultura e identidad nicaragüense.
Los valores cristianos aseguran el amor al prójimo, la reconciliación entre hermanos de la familia nicaragüense, el respeto a la diversidad individual sin discriminación alguna, el respeto e igualdad de derecho de las personas con discapacidad y la opción preferencial por los pobres.
… (Art. 5)
Religious Law
- English…
4. Religious marriages shall have civil effects in terms established by law, without prejudice to that dictated in international treaties.
… (Art. 55) - Spanish…
4) Los matrimonios religiosos tendrán efectos civiles en los términos que establezca la ley, sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en los tratados internacionales;
… (Art. 55)
Religious Law
- English
Within a regime of independence and autonomy, the State recognizes the Catholic Church as [an] important element in the historical, cultural and moral formation of Peru, and lends its collaboration to it.
The State respects other confessions and may establish forms of collaboration with them. (Art. 50) - Spanish
Dentro de un régimen de independencia y autonomía, el Estado reconoce a la Iglesia Católica como elemento importante en la formación histórica, cultural y moral del Perú, y le presta su colaboración.
El Estado respeta otras confesiones y puede establecer formas de colaboración con ellas. (Art. 50)
Religious Law
- EnglishThe [state of] matrimony may be authorized by the mayors [alcaldes], council members, notaries in exercise [of their function] and [by] religious ministers authorized [facultados] by the corresponding administrative authority. (Art. 49)
- SpanishEl matrimonio podrá ser autorizado por los alcaldes, concejales, notarios en ejercicio y ministros de culto facultados por la autoridad administrativa correspondiente. (Art. 49)
Religious Law
- English… The State is independent of religion. (Art. 4)
- Spanish… El Estado es independiente de la religión. (Art. 4)
Religious Law
- English
The Nicaraguan State recognizes the person, the family and the community as the origin and the end of its activity, and it is organized to assure [asegurar] the common good, assuming the task of promoting the human development of all and each one of the Nicaraguans, under the inspiration of Christian values, socialist ideals, practices of solidarity, [and] democratic and humanistic [practices], as universal and general values, as well as the values and ideals of the Nicaraguan culture and identity. (Art. 4)
- Spanish
El Estado nicaragüense reconoce a la persona, la familia y la comunidad como el origen y el fin de su actividad, y está organizado para asegurar el bien común, asumiendo la tarea de promover el desarrollo humano de todos y cada uno de los nicaragüenses, bajo la inspiración de valores cristianos, ideales socialistas, prácticas solidarias, democráticas y humanísticas, como valores universales y generales, así como los valores e ideales de la cultura e identidad nicaragüense. (Art. 4)
Religious Law
- English…
The Republic of Cuba is secular. In the Republic of Cuba, the religious institutions and fraternal associations are separate from the State and they all have the same rights and duties.
… (Art. 15) - Spanish…
El Estado cubano es laico. En la República de Cuba las instituciones religiosas y asociaciones fraternales están separadas del Estado y todas tienen los mismos derechos y deberes.
… (Art. 15)