The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- English
A person shall be qualified to be a candidate for election as a Representative if at the time of the election that person-
(a) is a citizen of the Republic;
(b) has attained the age of twenty-one years;
(c) has not been, on or after the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution, convicted of an offence involving dishonesty or moral turpitude or is not under any disqualification imposed by a competent court for any electoral offence;
(d) is not suffering from a mental disease incapacitating such person from acting as a Representative. (Art. 64) - Greek
Πας τις δικαούται να υποβάλει υποψηφιότητα βουλευτού, εφόσον κατά τον χρόνον της εκλογής:
(α) είναι πολίτης της Δημοκρατίας,
(β) έχει συμπληρώσει το εικοστόν πρώτον έτος της ηλικίας αυτού,
(γ) δεν έχει καταδικασθεί κατά την ημέραν της ενάρξεως ισχύος του Συντάγματος ή μετ΄ αυτήν δι’ αδίκημα ατιμωτικόν ή ηθικής αισχρότητος ή δεν έχει στερηθεί της εκλογιμότητος κατόπιν αποφάσεως αρμοδίου δικαστηρίου λόγω οιουδήποτε εκλογικού αδικήματος, και
(δ) δεν πάσχει εκ διανοητικής νόσου καθιστώσης αυτό ανίκανον να ασκήσει τα καθήκοντά του ως βουλευτού. (Αρθρον 64) - Turkish
Seçim zamanında aşağıdaki vasıflara sahip olan her şahıs Temsilci seçiminde aday olabilir;
a. Cumhuriyet vatandaşı olmak;
b. yirmi beş yaşını doldurmuş olmak;
c. bu Anayasanın yürürlüğe girdiği tarihte veya ondan sonra, yüz kızartıcı veya ahlaka aykırı bir suçtan hüküm giymemiş veya herhangi bir seçim suçundan dolayı yetkili bir mahkemece ehliyetsiz kılınmamış olmak;
d. Temsilci olarak görev görmesine engel bir akıl hastalığı bulunmamak. (Madde 64)11
- EnglishThe elections for both the Communal Chambers shall be by universal suffrage and by direct and secret ballot. (Art. 93)
- GreekΗ εκλογή των μελών αμφοτέρων των Κοινοτικών Συνελεύσεων ενεργείται διά καθολικής, αμέσου και μυστικής ψηφοφορίας. (Αρθρον 93)
- TurkishHer iki Cemaat Meclisi için seçimler, genel, tek dereceli ve gizli oyla yapılır. (Madde 93)
- EnglishThe number of the members of each Communal Chamber shall be determined by a communal law carried by a two-thirds majority of the total number of the members of the Communal Chamber concerned. (Art. 92)
- GreekΟ αριθμός των μελών εκατέρας Κοινοτικής Συνελεύσεως καθορίζεται υπό κοινοτικού νόμου ψηφιζομένου διά πλειοψηφίας των δύο τρίτων του όλου αριθμού των μελών εκάστης Κοινοτικής Συνελεύσεως. (Αρθρον 92)
- TurkishHer Cemaat Meclisinin üyelerinin sayısı, ilgili Cemaat Meclisinin üyeleri sayısı toplamının üçte iki çoğunluğu ile kabul olunan bir cemaat kanunu ile tayin edilir. (Madde 92)
- EnglishThe Greek and the Turkish Communities respectively shall elect from amongst their own members a Communal Chamber which shall have the competence expressly reserved for it under the provisions of this Constitution. (Art. 86)
- GreekΗ ελληνική και η τουρκική κοινότης εκλέγουσιν αντιστοίχως εκ των μελών αυτών Κοινοτικήν Συνέλευσιν, η αρμοδιότης της οποίας ορίζεται ρητώς υπό των διατάξεων του Συντάγματος. (Αρθρον 86)
- TurkishRum ve Türk Cemaatlerinin her biri, kendi üyeleri arasından, bu Anayasa hükümleri gereğince açıkça kendisine ayrılmış bulunan yetkilere sahip olacak bir Cemaat Meclisi seçer. (Madde 86)
- English
A person shall be qualified to be a candidate for election as a Representative if at the time of the election that person-
(a) is a citizen of the Republic;
(b) has attained the age of twenty-one years;
(c) has not been, on or after the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution, convicted of an offence involving dishonesty or moral turpitude or is not under any disqualification imposed by a competent court for any electoral offence;
(d) is not suffering from a mental disease incapacitating such person from acting as a Representative. (Art. 64) - Greek
Πας τις δικαούται να υποβάλει υποψηφιότητα βουλευτού, εφόσον κατά τον χρόνον της εκλογής:
(α) είναι πολίτης της Δημοκρατίας,
(β) έχει συμπληρώσει το εικοστόν πρώτον έτος της ηλικίας αυτού,
(γ) δεν έχει καταδικασθεί κατά την ημέραν της ενάρξεως ισχύος του Συντάγματος ή μετ΄ αυτήν δι’ αδίκημα ατιμωτικόν ή ηθικής αισχρότητος ή δεν έχει στερηθεί της εκλογιμότητος κατόπιν αποφάσεως αρμοδίου δικαστηρίου λόγω οιουδήποτε εκλογικού αδικήματος, και
(δ) δεν πάσχει εκ διανοητικής νόσου καθιστώσης αυτό ανίκανον να ασκήσει τα καθήκοντά του ως βουλευτού. (Αρθρον 64) - Turkish
Bir kişi, seçim anında temsilci olarak seçilmek için aday olmaya hak person
a. Cumhuriyet vatandaşıdır;
b. yirmi beş yaşını doldurmuş;
c. bu Anayasa'nın yürürlüğe girdiği tarihte veya sonrasında, sahtekarlık veya ahlaki kargaşa içeren bir suçtan hüküm giymemiş veya herhangi bir seçim suçu için yetkili bir mahkeme tarafından dayatılan herhangi bir diskalifiye kapsamında değildir;
d. bu kişiyi Temsilci olarak hareket etmekten aciz bırakan bir zihinsel hastalıktan muzdarip değildir. (Madde 64)12
- English1. The number of Representatives shall be fifty:
Provided that such number may be altered by a resolution of the House of Representatives carried by a majority comprising two-thirds of the Representatives elected by the Greek Community and two-thirds of the Representatives elected by the Turkish Community.
2. Out of the number of Representatives provided in paragraph I of this Article seventy per centum shall be elected by the Greek Community and thirty per centum by the Turkish Community separately from amongst their members respectively, and in the case of a contested election, by universal suffrage and by direct and secret ballot held on the same day.
The proportion of Representatives stated in this paragraph shall be independent of any statistical data. (Art. 62) - GreekΟ αριθμός των βουλευτών ορίζεται εις πεντήκοντα, δύναται δε να μεταβληθεί δι’ αποφάσεως της Βουλής των Αντιπροσώπων λαμβανομένης διά πλειοψηφίας αποτελουμένης εκ των δύο τρίτων των υπό της ελληνικής κοινότητος εκλεγέντων βουλευτών και εκ των δύο τρίτων των υπό της τουρκικής κοινότητος εκλεγέντων βουλευτών.
Εκ του κατά την πρώτην παράγραφον του παρόντος άρθρου προβλεπομένου αριθμού των βουλευτών τα εβδομήκοντα επί τοις εκατόν εκλέγονται υπό της ελληνικής κοινότητος και τα τριάκοντα επί τοις εκατόν υπό της τουρκικής κοινότητος κεχωρισμένως εκ των μελών εκατέρας κοινότητος και εν περιπτώσει εκλογής, εις ην οι υποψήφιοι είναι πλείονες του αριθμού των εδρών, διά καθολικής αμέσου και μυστικής ψηφοφορίας διενεργουμένης κατά την αυτήν ημέραν.
Η αναλογία των βουλευτών η καθοριζομένη εις την παρούσαν παράγραφον είναι ανεξάρτητος στατιστικών δεδομένων. (Αρθρον 62) - Turkish1. Temsilcilerin sayısı ellidir:
Bu sayı, Temsilciler Meclisinin, Rum Cemaatinin seçtiği Temsilcilerin üçte ikisini ve Türk Cemaatinin seçtiği Temsilcilerin üçte ikisini ihtiva eden bir çoğunlukla alacağı bir karar ile değiştirilebilir.
2. Bu Maddenin 1. fıkrasında gösterilen Temsilci sayısının yüzde yetmişi Rum Cemaati ve yüzde otuzu Türk Cemaati tarafından kendi üyeleri arasından ayrı ayrı yapılacak seçimle ve tartışmalı bir seçim olduğu takdirde ise, aynı günde genel, tek dereceli ve gizli olarak seçilir.
Bu fıkrada konulan Temsilci oranı herhangi bir istatistik verisine tabi değildir. (Madde 62)
- EnglishA person shall be qualified to be a candidate for election as a member of a Communal Chamber if at the time of the election that person—
a. is a citizen of the Republic and is registered in the respective communal electoral list;
b. has attained the age of twenty-five years,
c. has not been, on or after the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution, convicted of an offence involving dishonesty or moral turpitude or is not under any disqualification imposed by a competent court for an electoral offence,
d. is not suffering from a mental disease incapacitating such person from acting as a member of a Communal Chamber. (Art. 95) - GreekΠαν άτομον δικαιούται να υποβάλει υποψηφιότητα διά την εκλογήν αυτού ως μέλους Κοινοτικής Συνελεύσεως, εφ’ όσον κατά τον χρόνον της εκλογής:
(α) είναι πολίτης της Δημοκρατίας, εγγεγραμμένος εις τον αντίστοιχον κοινοτικόν εκλογικόν κατάλογον,
(β) έχει συμπληρώσει το εικοστόν πέμπτον έτος της ηλικίας αυτού,
(γ) δεν έχει καταδικασθεί κατά την ημέραν της ενάρξεως της ισχύος του Συντάγματος ή μετ’ αυτήν δι’ αδίκημα ατιμωτικόν ή ηθικής αισχρότητος ή δεν έχει στερηθεί της εκλογιμότητος κατόπιν αποφάσεως αρμοδίου δικαστηρίου λόγω οιουδήποτε εκλογικού αδικήματος και
(δ) δεν πάσχει εκ διανοητικής νόσου καθιστώσης αυτό ανίκανον να ασκήσει τα καθήκοντα αυτού ως μέλους Κοινοτικής Συνελεύσεως. (Αρθρον 95) - TurkishSeçim zamanında aşağıdaki vasıflara sahip olan her şahıs bir Cemaat Meclisi üyeliği seçiminde aday olabilir:
a. Cumhuriyet vatandaşı olmak ve ilgili cemaat seçim listesinde kayıtlı olmak;
b. yirmi beş yaşını doldurmuş olmak;
c. bu Anayasanın yürürlüğe girdiği tarihte veya ondan sonra, yüz kızartıcı veya ahlaka aykırı bir suçtan hüküm giymemiş veya herhangi bir seçim suçundan dolayı yetkili bir mahkemece ehliyetsiz kılınmamış olmak;
d. bir Cemaat Meclisi üyesi olarak görev görmesine engel bir akıl hastalığı bulunmamak. (Madde 95)
- EnglishThe legislative power of the Republic shall be exercised by the House of Representatives in all matters except those expressly reserved to the Communal Chambers under this Constitution. (Art. 61)
- GreekΗ νομοθετική εξουσία της Δημοκρατίας ασκείται υπό της Βουλής των Αντιπροσώπων εν παντί θέματι, εξαιρέσει των θεμάτων εκείνων, άτινα ρητώς υπάγονται κατά το Σύνταγμα εις τας Κοινοτικάς Συνελεύσεις. (Αρθρον 61)
- TurkishCumhuriyetin yasama gücü, bu Anayasa ile açıkça Cemaat Meclislerine ayrılanlardan başka bütün konularda Temsilciler Meclisi tarafından kullanılır. (Madde 61)
Religious Law
- EnglishSubject to paragraph 3 of Article 160 the courts of the Republic shall have power to apply also the relevant communal laws other than those relating to personal status and to religious matters. (Art. 161)
- GreekTηρουμένων των διατάξεων της τρίτης παραγράφου του άρθρου 160 τα δικαστήρια της Δημοκρατίας έχουσιν εξουσίαν να εφαρμόζωσι και τους οικείους κοινοτικούς νόμους πλην των περί προσωπικού θεσμού και των θρησκευτικών θεμάτων νόμων. (Αρθρον 161)
- Turkish160. maddenin 3. fıkrasına tabi olarak, Cumhuriyet Mahkemeleri, kişisel statü ve dini konularla ilgili olanlar dışındaki ilgili toplumsal yasaları da uygulama yetkisine sahiptir. (Madde 161)
Religious Law
- English1. A communal law made by the Communal Chamber concerned shall, subject to the provisions of this Constitution, provide for the establishment, composition and jurisdiction of courts to deal with civil disputes relating to personal status and to religious matters which are reserved for the competence of the Communal Chambers by the provisions of this Constitution.
3. Any such court as aforesaid in the exercise of its jurisdiction, shall apply the laws made by the Communal Chamber concerned: Provided that nothing in this paragraph contained shall preclude a court of the Republic from applying in a case, where an issue relating to personal status or to religious matters is raised incidentally, the relevant communal law. (Art. 160) - Greek1. Tηρουμένων των διατάξεων του Συντάγματος, κοινοτικός νόμος, ψηφιζόμενος υπό Kοινοτικής Συνελεύσεως, θέλει προβλέψει περί της ιδρύσεως, της συνθέσεως και της δικαιοδοσίας δικαστηρίων, άτινα θα δικάζωσι τας αστικάς διαφοράς, τας αφορώσας εις τον προσωπικόν θεσμόν και εις θρησκευτικά ζητήματα, τα οποία υπάγονται κατά τας διατάξεις του Συντάγματος εις την αρμοδιότητα των Kοινοτικών Συνελεύσεων.
3. Eν τη ενασκήσει της δικαιοδοσίας αυτών τα ανωτέρω δικαστήρια εφαρμόζουσι τούς υπέρ της οικείας Kοινοτικής Συνελεύσεως ψηφιζομένους νόμους’ αι διατάξεις όμως της παραγράφου ταύτης δεν αποκλείουσι το δικαίωμα δικαστηρίου της Δημοκρατίας να εφαρμόση τον σχετικόν κοινοτικόν νόμον επί υποθέσεως, καθ’ ην παρεμπιπτόντως εγείρεται ζήτημα προσωπικού θεσμού ή θρησκευτικόν ζήτημα. (Αρθρον 160) - Turkish2. A. boşanma, adli ayrılık veya evlilik haklarının iadesi veya Rum-Ortodoks Kilisesi üyelerinin aile ilişkileri ile ilgili herhangi bir konu, her biri aile Mahkemeleri tarafından tanınabilir olacaktır composed:
3. Bu paragrafta yer alan hiçbir şey, Cumhuriyet Mahkemesinin kişisel statü veya dini konularla ilgili bir sorunun tesadüfen ortaya çıktığı bir davada başvurmasını Engellememesi koşuluyla, ilgili Topluluk Yasası tarafından yapılan yasaları uygulayacaktır. (Madde 160)