The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- EnglishEveryone has the right to education. Children have the right to receive basic education. The education shall safeguard the individual's abilities and needs, and promote respect for democracy, the rule of law and human rights.
The authorities of the state shall ensure access to upper secondary education and equal opportunities for higher education on the basis of qualifications. (Art. 109) - NorwegianEnhver har rett til utdannelse. Barn har rett til å motta grunnleggende opplæring. Opplæringen skal ivareta den enkeltes evner og behov og fremme respekt for demokratiet, rettsstaten og menneskerettighetene.
Statens myndigheter skal sikre adgang til videregående opplæring og like muligheter til høyere utdannelse på grunnlag av kvalifikasjoner. (§ 109)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishThe authorities of the state shall create conditions under which every person capable of work is able to earn a living through their work or enterprise. Those who cannot themselves provide for their own subsistence have the right to support from the state.
Specific provisions concerning the right of employees to co-determination at their work place shall be laid down by law. (Art. 110) - NorwegianStatens myndigheter skal legge forholdene til rette for at ethvert arbeidsdyktig menneske kan tjene til livets opphold ved arbeid eller næring. Den som ikke selv kan sørge for sitt livsopphold, har rett til støtte fra det offentlige.
Nærmere bestemmelser om ansattes medbestemmelsesrett på sin arbeidsplass fastsettes ved lov. (§ 110)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- EnglishAll people are equal under the law.
No human being must be subject to unfair or disproportionate differential treatment. (Art. 98) - NorwegianAlle er like for loven.
Intet menneske må utsettes for usaklig eller uforholdsmessig forskjellsbehandling. (§ 98)
Indigenous Peoples
- English
The authorities of the state shall create conditions enabling the Sami people, as an indigenous people, to preserve and develop its language, culture and way of life. (Art. 108)
- Norwegian
Det påligger statens myndigheter å legge forholdene til rette for at det samiske folk, som urfolk, kan sikre og utvikle sitt språk, sin kultur og sitt samfunnsliv. (§ 108)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishEveryone has the right to the respect of their privacy and family life, their home and their communication.
… (Art. 102) - NorwegianEnhver har rett til respekt for sitt privatliv og familieliv, sitt hjem og sin kommunikasjon.
… (§ 102)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
- EnglishTo senior official posts in the State may be appointed only Norwegian citizens, men or women, who speak the language of the country, and who:
a) either were born in the realm of parents who were then Norwegian subjects
b) or were born in a foreign country of Norwegian parents who were not at that time subjects of another State
c) or hereafter have resided for ten years in the realm
d) or have been naturalised by the Storting.
Others may, however, be appointed as teachers at universities and institutions of higher learning, as medical practitioners and as consuls in places abroad. (Art. 114) - NorwegianTil embeter i staten må utnevnes bare de norske borgere, menn eller kvinner, som taler landets språk, samt
a) enten er født i riket av foreldre som på det tidspunkt var norske statsborgere
b) eller er født i utlandet av norske foreldre som på den tid ikke var statsborgere i noe annet land
c) eller heretter oppholder seg i riket i ti år
d) eller blir naturalisert av Stortinget.
Dog kan andre beskikkes til lærere ved Universitetet og de lærde skoler, til leger og til konsuler på fremmede steder. (§ 114)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
- EnglishAllodial right and the right of primogeniture shall not be abolished. The specific conditions under which these rights shall continue for the greatest benefit of the State and to the best advantage of the rural population shall be determined by the first or second subsequent Storting. (Art. 117)
- NorwegianOdels- og åsetesretten må ikke oppheves. De nærmere betingelser for hvordan den skal bestå til støtte for staten og til gagn for landallmuen, fastsettes av det første eller annet følgende storting. (§ 117)
Protection from Violence
- English…
Children have the right to protection of their personal integrity. The authorities of the state shall create conditions that facilitate the child's development, including ensuring that the child is provided with the necessary economic, social and health security, preferably within their own family. (Art. 104) - Norwegian…
Barn har rett til vern om sin personlige integritet. Statens myndigheter skal legge forholdene til rette for barnets utvikling, herunder sikre at barnet får den nødvendige økonomiske, sosiale og helsemessige trygghet, fortrinnsvis i egen familie. (§ 104)
Protection from Violence
- English…
The authorities of the state shall ensure the protection of personal integrity. (Art. 102) - Norwegian…
Statens myndigheter skal sikre et vern om den personlige integritet. (§ 102)
Protection from Violence
- English…
No one may be subjected to torture or other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
No one shall be held in slavery or required to perform forced labour.
The authorities of the State shall protect the right to life and oppose torture, slavery, forced labour and other forms of inhuman or degrading treatment. (Art. 93) - Norwegian…
Ingen må utsettes for tortur eller annen umenneskelig eller nedverdigende behandling eller straff.
Ingen skal holdes i slaveri eller tvangsarbeid.
Statens myndigheter skal beskytte retten til liv og bekjempe tortur, slaveri, tvangsarbeid og andre former for umenneskelig eller nedverdigende behandling. (§ 93)