The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Marriage and Family Life
El Salvador
- English…
The parents will have the preferential right to choose the education of their children. (Art. 55) - Spanish…
Los padres tendrán derecho preferente a escoger la educación de sus hijos. (Art. 55)
Marriage and Family Life
El Salvador
- EnglishThe family is the fundamental basis of the society and [it] will have the protection of the State, which will dictate the necessary legislation and create the appropriate organs and services for its integration, well being and [its] social, cultural, and economic development.
The legal foundation of the family is marriage and it rests on the juridical equality of the spouses.
The State shall encourage [fomentará] marriage; but the lack of this will not affect the enjoyment of the rights established in favor of the family. (Art. 32) - SpanishLa familia es la base fundamental de la sociedad y tendrá la protección del Estado, quien dictará la legislación necesaria y creará los organismos y servicios apropiados para su integración, bienestar y desarrollo social, cultural y económico.
El fundamento legal de la familia es el matrimonio y descansa en la igualdad jurídica de los cónyuges.
El Estado fomentará el matrimonio; pero la falta de éste no afectará el goce de los derechos que se establezcan en favor de la familia. (Art. 32)
Marriage and Family Life
El Salvador
- EnglishThe law will determine the businesses and [the] establishments that, due to their special conditions, are required to provide, the worker and his family, [with] suitable housing, schools, medical assistance and [the] other services and attentions necessary for their well being. (Art. 51)
- SpanishLa ley determinará las empresas y establecimientos que, por sus condiciones especiales, quedan obligados a proporcionar, al trabajador y a su familia, habitaciones adecuadas, escuelas, asistencia médica y demás servicios y atenciones necesarias para su bienestar. (Art. 51)
Marriage and Family Life
El Salvador
- English…
The right to honor, to personal and family intimacy, and to the own image [of the person][,] is guaranteed.
… (Art. 2) - Spanish…
Se garantiza el derecho al honor, a la intimidad personal y familiar y a la propia imagen.
… (Art. 2)
Marriage and Family Life
El Salvador
- EnglishThe working woman will have the right to remunerated leave before and after childbirth, and to the conservation of her employment.
The laws will regulate the obligation of the employers to install and maintain rooms for infants [salas cunas] and day care places [lugares de custodia] for the children of the workers. (Art. 42) - SpanishLa mujer trabajadora tendrá derecho a un descanso remunerado antes y después del parto, y a la conservación del empleo.
Las leyes regularán la obligación de los patronos de instalar y mantener salas cunas y lugares de custodia para los niños de los trabajadores. (Art. 42)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
El Salvador
- EnglishAll Salvadorans [that are] older than eighteen years of age are citizens. (Art. 71)
- SpanishSon ciudadanos todos los salvadoreños mayores de dieciocho años. (Art. 71)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
El Salvador
- EnglishThe political rights of the citizen are:
3) To opt for public office [cargo] complying with the requirements determined by this Constitution and the secondary laws. (Art. 72) - SpanishLos derechos políticos del ciudadano son:
3- Optar a cargos públicos cumpliendo con los requisitos que determinan esta Constitución y las leyes secundarias. (Art. 72)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
El Salvador
- EnglishThe law will regulate the personal and patrimonial relations of the spouses among themselves, and between themselves and their children, establishing the rights and reciprocal duties over equitable bases; and will create the necessary institutions to guarantee its applicability. … (Art. 33)
- SpanishLa ley regulará las relaciones personales y patrimoniales de los cónyuges entre sí y entre ellos y sus hijos, estableciendo los derechos y deberes recíprocos sobre bases equitativas; y creará las instituciones necesarias para garantizar su aplicabilidad. … (Art. 33)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
El Salvador
- EnglishEvery person has the right to dispose freely of his property in accordance with the law. The property is transferable in the form determined by the laws. There will be free making of wills [testamentifacción]. (Art. 22)
- SpanishToda persona tiene derecho a disponer libremente de sus bienes conforme a la ley. La propiedad es transmisible en la forma en que determinen las leyes. Habrá libre testamentifacción. (Art. 22)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
El Salvador
- EnglishEvery person has the right to life, to physical and moral integrity, to liberty, to security, to work, to property and possession, and to be protected in the conservation and defense of the same.
… (Art. 2) - SpanishToda persona tiene derecho a la vida, a la integridad física y moral, a la libertad, a la seguridad, al trabajo, a la propiedad y posesión, y a ser protegida en la conservación y defensa de los mismos.
… (Art. 2)