Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 1994
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English

    2. Everyone has the right to the free development of his personality in a manner compatible with the rights of other citizens.
    … (Art. 24)
  • Amharic

    2. ማንኛውም ሰው የራሱን ስብዕና ከሌሎች ዜጐች መብቶች ጋር በተጣጣመ ሁኔታ በነጻ የማሳደግ መብት አለው፡፡
    … (አንቀጽ 24)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English

    4. a. When a state of emergency is declared, the Council of Ministers shall, in accordance with regulations it issues, have all necessary power to protect the country's peace and sovereignty, and to maintain public security, law and order.
    b. The Council of Ministers shall have the power to suspend such political and democratic rights contained in this Constitution to the extent necessary to avert the conditions that required the declaration of a state of emergency.
    c. In the exercise of its emergency powers the Council of Ministers cannot, however, suspend or limit the rights provided for in Articles 1, 18, 25, and sub-Articles 1 and 2 of Article 39 of this Constitution.
    5. The House of Peoples' Representatives, while declaring a state of emergency, shall simultaneously establish a State of Emergency Inquiry Board, comprising of seven persons to be chosen and assigned by the House from among its members and from legal experts.
    6. The State of Emergency Inquiry Board shall have the following powers and responsibilities:
    a. To make public within one month the names of all individuals arrested on account of the state of emergency together with the reasons for their arrest.
    b. To inspect and follow up that no measure taken during the state of emergency is inhumane.
    c. To recommend to the Prime Minister or to the Council of Ministers corrective measures if it finds any case of inhumane treatment.
    d. To ensure the prosecution of perpetrators of inhumane acts.
    e. To submit its views to the House of Peoples' Representatives on a request to extend the duration of the state of emergency. (Art. 93)
  • Amharic

    4. ሀ/ የአስቸኳይ ጊዜ አዋጅ በሚታወጅበት ጊዜ የሚኒስትሮች ምክር ቤት በሚያወጣቸው ደንቦች መሰረት የሀገርን ሰላምና ሕልውና፣ የሕዝብን ደህንነት፣ሕግና ሥርዓትን የማስከበር ሥልጣን ይኖረዋል፡፡
    ለ/ የሚኒስትሮች ምክር ቤት ሥልጣን በሕገ መንግሥቱ የተቀመጡትን መሰረታዊ የፖለቲካና የዴሞክራሲ መብቶችን፣ የአስቸኳይ ጊዜ አዋጁን ለማወጅ ምክንያት የሆነውን ጉዳይ ለማስወገድ ተፈላጊ ሆኖ በተገኘውደረጃ፣ እስከ ማገድ ሊደርስ የሚችል ነው፡፡
    ሐ/ የሚኒስትሮች ምክር ቤት በአስቸኳይ ጊዜ አዋጅ ሥራ የሚያወጣቸው ድንጋጌዎችና የሚወስዳቸው እርምጃዎች በማናቸውም ረገድ በዚህ ሕገመንግሥት አንቀጽ 1፣፣ 18፣ 25፣ እና 39 ንዑስ አንቀጽ 1 እና 2 የተቀመጡትን መብቶች የሚገድቡ ሊሆኑ አይችሉም፡፡
    5. በሀገሪቱ የአስቸኳይ ጊዜ አዋጅ በሚታወጅበት ወቅት የሕዝብ ተወካዮች ምክር ቤት ከአባላቱና ከሕግ ባለሙያዎች መርጦ የሚመድባቸው ሰባት አባላት ያሉት የአስቸኳይ ጊዜ አዋጅ አፈጻጸም መርማሪ ቦርድ ያቋቁማል፡፡ ቦርዱ አዋጁ በሕዝብ ተወካዮች ምክር ቤት በሚጸድቅበት ጊዜ ይቋቋማል፣
    6. የአስቸኳይ ጊዜ አዋጅ አፈጻጸም መርማሪ ቦርድ የሚከተሉት ሥልጣንና ኃላፊነቶች አሉት፡፡
    ሀ/ በአስቸኳይ ጊዜ አዋጅ ምክንያት የታሰሩትን ግለሰቦች ስም በአንድ ወር ጊዜ ውስጥ ይፋ ማድረግና የታሰሩበትን ምክንያት መግለጽ፣
    ለ/ በአስቸኳይ ጊዜ አዋጅ ወቅት የሚወሰዱት እርምጃዎች በማናቸውም ረገድ ኢሰብዓዊ አለመሆናቸውን መቆጣጠርና መከታተል፣
    ሐ/ ማናቸውም የአስቸኳይ ጊዜ አዋጅ እርምጃ ኢሰብዓዊ መሆኑን ሲያምንበት ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትሩ ወይም የሚኒስሮች ምክር ቤት እርምጃውን እንዲያስተካክል ሐሳብ መስጠት፣
    መ/ በአስቸኳይ ጊዜ አዋጅ እርምጃዎች ኢሰብዓዊ ድርጊት የሚፈጽሙትን ሁሉ ለፍርድ እንዲቀርቡ ማድረግ፣
    ሠ/ የአስቸኳይ ጊዜ አዋጅ እንዲቀጥል ለሕዝብ ተወካዮች ምክር ቤት ጥያቄ ሲቀርብ ያለውን አስተያየት ለምክር ቤቱ ማቅረብ፡፡ (አንቀጽ 93)

Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 1994 (English). According to Art. 106: “The Amharic version of this Constitution shall have final legal authority.” There are discrepancies in the content of the English and Amharic texts.


Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 1994 (Amharic). Copy obtained from the Ministry of Justice, Ethiopia.

Links to all sites last visited 6 March 2024
Chapter Three on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.
Chapter Three on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.
Chapter Three on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.