Constitution of the Republic of Honduras 1982, as amended to 2020
Protection from Violence
  • English
    The Constitution guarantees to all Hondurans and to foreigners residing in the country the right to the inviolability of life, and to individual safety, freedom, equality before the law, and property. (Art. 61)
  • Spanish
    La Constitución garantiza a los hondureños y extranjeros residentes en el país, el derecho a la inviolabilidad de la vida, a la seguridad individual, a la libertad, a la igualdad ante la ley y a la propiedad. (Art. 61)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    Every person has the right to have his physical, mental, and moral integrity respected.
    No one shall be subjected to torture, or to cruel, inhuman, or degrading punishment or treatment.
    … (Art. 68)
  • Spanish
    Toda persona tiene derecho a que se respete su integridad física, síquica y moral.
    Nadie debe ser sometido a torturas, ni penas o tratos crueles, inhumanos o degradantes.
    … (Art. 68)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    All Hondurans have the right to do that which is not harmful to others; likewise, no one shall be obliged to do that which is not legally prescribed nor shall be prevented from doing that which the law does not prohibited.
    No one may take justice into his own hands, nor exercise violence to claim his rights.
    No personal service may be exacted, nor must it be rendered gratuitously, except by virtue of the law or by a sentence based on the law. (Art. 70)
  • Spanish
    Todos los hondureños tienen derecho a hacer lo que no perjudique a otro y nadie estará obligado a hacer lo que no estuviere legalmente prescrito ni impedido de ejecutar lo que la Ley no prohíbe.
    Ninguna persona podrá hacerse justicia por sí misma, ni ejercer violencia para reclamar su derecho.
    Ningún servicio personal es exigible, ni deberá prestarse gratuitamente, sino en virtud de ley o de sentencia fundada en la Ley. (Art. 70)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    Every child must be protected against every form of abandonment, cruelty and exploitation. No child shall be the object of any type of bondage.
    No child shall work before reaching an adequate minimum age, nor shall he be permitted to dedicate himself to any occupation or employment that may be prejudicial to his health, education, or serve as an impediment to his physical, mental, or moral development.
    The use of minors by their parents or other persons for the purpose of begging is prohibited.
    The law shall establish the applicable penalties for those who violate this provision. (Art. 124)
  • Spanish
    Todo niño debe ser protegido contra toda forma de abandono, crueldad y explotación. No será objeto de ningún tipo de trata.
    No deberá trabajar antes de una edad mínima adecuada, ni se le permitirá que se dedique a ocupación o empleo alguno que pueda perjudicar su salud, educación, o impedir su desarrollo físico, mental o moral.
    Se prohíbe la utilización de los menores por sus padres y otras personas, para actos de mendicidad.
    La ley señalará las penas aplicables a quienes incurran en la violación de este precepto. (Art. 124)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    Laws governing the relations between employers and workers are matters of public policy. All acts, stipulations or agreements that involve the waiver, diminution or restriction or evasion of the following guarantees shall be void:

    7. Minors under sixteen years of age and those above that age who are subject to mandatory education by virtue of national legislation may not be employed in any kind of work.
    … (Art. 128)
  • Spanish
    Las leyes que rigen las relaciones entre patronos y trabajadores son de orden público. Son nulos los actos, estipulaciones o convenciones que impliquen renuncia, disminuyan, restrinjan o tergiversen las siguientes garantías:

    7. Los menores de (16) diez y seis años y los que hayan cumplido esa edad y sigan sometidos a la enseñanza en virtud de la legislación nacional, no podrán ser ocupados en trabajo alguno.
    … (Art. 128)

Constitution of the Republic of Honduras 1982, as amended to 2020 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2023). According to Art. 6: “The official language of Honduras is Spanish. …”


Constitution of the Republic of Honduras 1982, as amended to 2020 (Spanish), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2023).

Documents last visited 8 November 2023