Constitution of the Republic of Honduras 1982, as amended to 2020
Status of International Law
  • English
    Honduras supports the principles and practices of international law, that promote the solidarity and self-determination of peoples, nonintervention and the strengthening of universal peace and democracy.
    Honduras proclaims as inevitable the validity and obligatory execution of arbitral and judicial awards of an international character. (Art. 15)
  • Spanish
    Honduras hace suyos los principios y prácticas del derecho internacional que propenden a la solidaridad humana, al respeto de la autodeterminación de los pueblos, a la no intervención y al afianzamiento de la paz y la democracia universal.
    Honduras proclama como ineludible la validez y obligatoria ejecución de las sentencias arbítrales y judiciales de carácter internacional. (Art. 15)
Status of International Law
  • English
    All international treaties must be approved by the National Congress before their ratification by the Executive Power.
    International treaties entered into by Honduras with other States form part of the domestic law as soon as they enter into force. (Art. 16)
  • Spanish
    Todos los tratados internacionales deben ser aprobados por el Congreso Nacional antes de su ratificación por el Poder Ejecutivo.
    Los tratados internacionales celebrados por Honduras con otros Estados, una vez que entran en vigor, forman parte del derecho interno. (Art. 16)
Status of International Law
  • English
    When an International Treaty affects a constitutional provision, it must be approved by the procedure that governs the reform of the Constitution, simultaneously the constitutional precept affected must be modified in the same sense by the same procedure before the Treaty being ratified by the Executive Power. (Art. 17)
  • Spanish
    Cuando un Tratado Internacional afecte una disposición constitucional, debe ser aprobado por el procedimiento que rige la reforma de la Constitución, simultáneamente el precepto constitucional afectado debe ser modificado en el mismo sentido por el mismo procedimiento, antes de ser ratificado el Tratado por el Poder Ejecutivo. (Art. 17)
Status of International Law
  • English
    In case of conflict between the treaty or convention, and the law, the former shall prevail. (Art. 18)
  • Spanish
    En caso de conflicto entre el tratado o convención y la Ley prevalecerá el primero. (Art. 18)

Constitution of the Republic of Honduras 1982, as amended to 2020 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2023). According to Art. 6: “The official language of Honduras is Spanish. …”


Constitution of the Republic of Honduras 1982, as amended to 2020 (Spanish), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2023).

Documents last visited 8 November 2023