Political Constitution of the United Mexican States 1917, as amended to 2023
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    The woman and the man are equal before the law. It shall protect the organization and the development of the family.
    Every person has the right to decide in a free, responsible and informed manner concerning the number and spacing of their children.

    Every family has the right to enjoy decent and proper housing. The law will establish the instruments and supports necessary in order to reach this objective.
    Every person has the right to identity and to be registered in an immediate manner at their birth. The State will guarantee the fulfillment of these rights. The competent authority will issue gratuitously the first certified copy of the act of registrtion of birth.

    The ascendant family [ascendientes], guardians [tutores] and custodians have the obligation of preserving and of requiring the fulfillment of these rights and principles.
    The State shall grant facilities to individuals [particulares] to contribute to the fulfillment of the rights of children.
    … (Art. 4)
  • Spanish
    La mujer y el hombre son iguales ante la ley. Ésta protegerá la organización y el desarrollo de la familia.
    Toda persona tiene derecho a decidir de manera libre, responsable e informada sobre el número y el espaciamiento de sus hijos.

    Toda familia tiene derecho a disfrutar de vivienda digna y decorosa. La Ley establecerá los instrumentos y apoyos necesarios a fin de alcanzar tal objetivo.
    Toda persona tiene derecho a la identidad y a ser registrado de manera inmediata a su nacimiento. El Estado garantizará el cumplimiento de estos derechos. La autoridad competente expedirá gratuitamente la primera copia certificada del acta de registro de nacimiento.

    Los ascendientes, tutores y custodios tienen la obligación de preservar y exigir el cumplimiento de estos derechos y principios. El Estado otorgará facilidades a los particulares para que coadyuven al cumplimiento de los derechos de la niñez.
    … (Art. 4)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    No one will be disturbed [molestado] in their person, family, home, papers or possessions, except by virtue of a written order of the competent authority, that substantiates and motivates the legal cause of the proceeding.
    … (Art. 16)
  • Spanish
    Nadie puede ser molestado en su persona, familia, domicilio, papeles o posesiones, sino en virtud de mandamiento escrito de la autoridad competente, que funde y motive la causa legal del procedimiento.
    … (Art. 16)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    Obligations of Mexicans are:
    I. To have their minor daughters, sons and wards [pupilos] attend [concurran] the schools, to receive the obligatory education and, as the case may be, to receive military [training], in the terms that the law establishes, as well as to participate in their educational process, to review their progress and performance, always attending to their well-being and development.
    … (Art. 31)
  • Spanish
    Son obligaciones de los mexicanos:
    I. Ser responsables de que sus hijas, hijos o pupilos menores de dieciocho años concurran a las escuelas, para recibir la educación obligatoria y, en su caso, reciban la militar, en los términos que establezca la ley, así como participar en su proceso educativo, al revisar su progreso y desempeño, velando siempre por su bienestar y desarrollo;
    … (Art. 31)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    Every person has the right to dignified and socially useful work. To this effect, the creation of jobs [empleos] and the social organization of work shall be promoted, in accordance with the law.
    The Congress of the Union, without contravening the following bases[,] must adopt laws concerning work, which will govern:
    A. Among the workers, day laborers, domestic servants, artisans and in a general manner any contract of labor:
    V. Women during pregnancy shall not perform [realizará] work that requires considerable effort and [which] signifies a danger to their health in relation to gestation; they will necessarily [forsozamente] enjoy a leave of absence [descanso] of six weeks prior to the approximate date established for the delivery and [of] six weeks subsequent to it, and they must receive their complete salary and retain [conservar] their job [empleo] and the rights that have been acquired by the work agreement [relación de trabajo]. In the time of nursing [lactancia] they will have two extra ordinary rest periods [descansos] per day, of half an hour each one, for the nursing of their children;

    B. Between the Powers of the Union and their workers:

    XI. Social security [seguridad social] will be organized in accordance with the following minimum bases:
    a) It will cover occupational [profesionales] accidents and infirmities; the non-occupational infirmities and maternity; and retirement, disability, old age, and death.

    c) Women during pregnancy shall not perform [realizará] work that requires considerable effort and that signifies a danger to their health in relation to gestation; they will necessarily [forsozamente] enjoy a leave of absence [descanso] of six weeks prior to the approximate date established for the delivery and [of] six weeks subsequent to it, and they must receive their complete salary and retain [conservar] their job [empleo] and the rights that have been acquired by the work agreement [relación de trabajo]. In the time of nursing [lactancia] they will have two extra ordinary rest periods [descansos] per day, of half an hour each one, for the nursing of their children In addition, they will enjoy medical and obstetrical assistance, medicines, aids during lactation, and infant care services.
    d) The families of the workers [trabajadores] will have the right to medical assistance and medicines, in those cases and in the proportion that the law determines.
    e) Centers for vacations and recuperation, as well as economical stores for [tiendas] the benefit of the workers [trabajadores] and their families, shall be established.
    … (Art. 123)
  • Spanish
    Toda persona tiene derecho al trabajo digno y socialmente útil; al efecto, se promoverán la creación de empleos y la organización social de trabajo, conforme a la ley.
    El Congreso de la Unión, sin contravenir a las bases siguientes deberá expedir leyes sobre el trabajo, las cuales regirán:
    A. Entre los obreros, jornaleros, empleados domésticos, artesanos y de una manera general, todo contrato de trabajo:

    V. Las mujeres durante el embarazo no realizarán trabajos que exijan un esfuerzo considerable y signifiquen un peligro para su salud en relación con la gestación; gozarán forzosamente de un descanso de seis semanas anteriores a la fecha fijada aproximadamente para el parto y seis semanas posteriores al mismo, debiendo percibir su salario íntegro y conservar su empleo y los derechos que hubieren adquirido por la relación de trabajo. En el período de lactancia tendrán dos descansos extraordinarios por día, de media hora cada uno para alimentar a sus hijos;

    B. Entre los Poderes de la Unión y sus trabajadores:

    XI. La seguridad social se organizará conforme a las siguientes bases mínimas:
    a) Cubrirá los accidentes y enfermedades profesionales; las enfermedades no profesionales y maternidad; y la jubilación, la invalidez, vejez y muerte.

    c) Las mujeres durante el embarazo no realizarán trabajos que exijan un esfuerzo considerable y signifiquen un peligro para su salud en relación con la gestación; gozarán forzosamente de un mes de descanso antes de la fecha fijada aproximadamente para el parto y de otros dos después del mismo, debiendo percibir su salario íntegro y conservar su empleo y los derechos que hubieren adquirido por la relación de trabajo. En el período de lactancia tendrán dos descansos extraordinarios por día, de media hora cada uno, para alimentar a sus hijos. Además, disfrutarán de asistencia médica y obstétrica, de medicinas, de ayudas para la lactancia y del servicio de guarderías infantiles.
    d) Los familiares de los trabajadores tendrán derecho a asistencia médica y medicinas, en los casos y en la proporción que determine la ley.
    e) Se establecerán centros para vacaciones y para recuperación, así como tiendas económicas para beneficio de los trabajadores y sus familiares.
    … (Art. 123)

Political Constitution of the United Mexican States 1917, as amended to 2023 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024).

Links to all sites last visited 16 January 2024
Refer to the full provision of Art. 37 for other rules on the grounds of deprivation of nationality.
Refer to the full provision of Art. 123 for all measures regarding employment protection.

Refer to Sections A and B of Article 2 on rights of indigenous peoples.