Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945, as amended to 2002
Obligations of the State
  • English
    (4) The protection, advancement, upholding and fulfilment of human rights are the responsibility of the state, especially the government.
    (5) For the purpose of upholding and protecting human rights in accordance with the principle of a democratic and law-based state, the implementation of human rights shall be guaranteed, regulated and set forth in laws and regulations. (Art. 28I)
  • Indonesian
    (4) Perlindungan, pemajuan, penegakan, dan pemenuhan hak asasi manusia adalah tanggung jawab negara, terutama pemerintah.
    (5) Untuk menegakkan dan melindungi hak asasi manusia sesuai dengan prinsip negara hokum yang demokratis, maka pelaksanaan hak asasi manusia dijamin, diatur, dan dituangkan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan. (Pasal 28I)

Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945, as amended to 2002 (English). According to Art. 36: “The national language shall be Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia).”


Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945, as amended to 2002 (Indonesian), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024).

Links to all sites last visited 12 February 2024
DPR stands for "Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat", the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia.
DPD stands for "Dewan Perwakilan Daerah", the House of Regions/the Senate of the Republic of Indonesia.