Permanent Constitution of the State of Qatar 2004
  • English
    Education is one of the basic pillars of social progress. The state shall ensure, foster, and endeavor to spread it. (Art. 25)
  • Arabic
    التّعليم دعامة أساسيّة من دعائم تقدّم المجتمع، تكفله الدّولة و ترعاه، و تسعى لنشره و تعميمه. (المادّة 25)
  • English
    All citizens have the right to education; and the State shall endeavor to make general education compulsory and free of charge in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the State. (Art. 49)
  • Arabic
    التّعليم حقّ لكل مواطن و تسعى الدولة لتحقيق إلزاميّة و مجانيّة التّعليم العام، وفقا للنظم و القوانين المعمول بها في الدّولة. (المادّة 49)

Permanent Constitution of the State of Qatar 2004 (English). According to Art. 1: “… The Arabic Language shall be its official language. …”

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