Constitution of the Republic of Yemen 1991, as amended to 2015
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    Work is a right, an honour, and a necessity for society's progress. Every citizen has the right to choose the appropriate work for himself within the law. No citizen can be compelled to do any work except within the law, and in which case it is to serve the common interest and be in return for a fair wage. The law shall regulate union activities and professional work, and the relationship between workers and employers. (Art. 29)
  • Arabic
    العمل حق وشرف وضرورة لتطوير المجتمع ولكل مواطن الحق في ممارسة العمل الذي يختاره لنفسه في حدود القانون ولا يجوز فرض أي عمل جبراً على المواطنين إلا بمقتضى قانون ولأداء خدمة عامة وبمقابل أجر عادل، وينظم القانون العمل النقابي والمهني والعلاقة بين العمال وأصحاب العمل. (المادّة 29)

Constitution of the Republic of Yemen 1991, as amended to 2015 (English). The 2015 Transitional Declaration was appended to the 1991 Constitution. According to Art. 2: “... Arabic is its official Language.”


Constitution of the Republic of Yemen 1991, as amended to 2015 (Arabic). The 2015 Transitional Declaration was appended to the 1991 Constitution.

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