Constitution of the Republic of Yemen 1991, as amended to 2015
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    The state shall guarantee equal opportunities for all citizens in the fields of political, economic, social and cultural activities and shall enact the necessary laws for the realization thereof. (Art. 24)
  • Arabic
    تكفل الدولة تكافؤ الفرص لجميع المواطنين سياسياً واقتصادياً واجتماعياً وثقافياً وتصدر القوانين لتحقيق ذلك. (المادّة 24)
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    Every citizen has the right to participate in the political, economic, cultural life of the country. … (Art. 42)
  • Arabic
    لكل مواطن حق الإسهام في الحياة السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية. ... (المادّة 42)
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    The citizen has the right to elect and nominate himself as a candidate in an election, as well as the right to demonstrate his opinion in a referendum. The law shall regulate the provisions regarding the practice of this right. (Art. 43)
  • Arabic
    للمواطن حق الانتخاب والترشيح وإبداء الرأي في الاستفتاء، وينظم القانون الأحكام المتعلقة بممارسة هذا الحقّ. (المادّة 43)
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    In as much as it is not contrary to the Constitution, the citizens may organize themselves along political, professional and union lines. They have the right to form associations in scientific, cultural, social and national unions in a way that serves the goals of the Constitution. The state shall guarantee these rights, and shall take the necessary measures to enable citizens to exercise them. The state shall guarantee freedom for the political, trade, cultural, scientific and social organizations. (Art. 58)
  • Arabic
    للمواطنين في عموم الجمهورية - بما لا يتعارض مع نصوص الدستور- الحق في تنظيم أنفسهم سياسياً ومهنياً ونقابياً والحق في تكوين المنظمات العلمية والثقافية والاجتماعية والاتحادات الوطنية بما يخدم أهداف الدستور، وتضمن الدولة هذا الحق، كما تتخذ جميع الوسائل الضرورية التي تمكن المواطنين من ممارسته، وتضمن كافة الحريات للمؤسسات والمنظمات السياسية والنقابية والثقافية والعلمية والاجتماعية. (المادّة 58)
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    a. A voter must meet the following two conditions:
    1. must be a Yemeni citizen.
    2. must be at least 18 years old.
    … (Art. 64)
  • Arabic
    أ . يشترط في الناخب الشرطان الآتيان:
    -١. أن يكون يمنياً.
    ٢. أن لا يقل سنه عن ثمانية عشر عاماً.
    … (المادّة 64)

Constitution of the Republic of Yemen 1991, as amended to 2015 (English). The 2015 Transitional Declaration was appended to the 1991 Constitution. According to Art. 2: “... Arabic is its official Language.”


Constitution of the Republic of Yemen 1991, as amended to 2015 (Arabic). The 2015 Transitional Declaration was appended to the 1991 Constitution.

Links to all sites last visited 25 March 2024