Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania 1992, as amended to 2022
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    While implementing his rights and exercising his freedoms, everyone must observe the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Lithuania and must not restrict the rights and freedoms of other people. (Art. 28)
  • Lithuanian
    Įgyvendindamas savo teises ir naudodamasis savo laisvėmis, žmogus privalo laikytis Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucijos ir įstatymų, nevaržyti kitų žmonių teisių ir laisvių. (28 straipsnis)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    All persons shall be equal before the law, courts, and other state institutions and officials.
     Human rights may not be restricted; no one may be granted any privileges on the grounds of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, social status, belief, convictions, or views. (Art. 29)
  • Lithuanian
    Įstatymui, teismui ir kitoms valstybės institucijoms ar pareigūnams visi asmenys lygūs.
    Žmogaus teisių negalima varžyti ir teikti jam privilegijų dėl jo lyties, rasės, tautybės, kalbos, kilmės, socialinės padėties, tikėjimo, įsitikinimų ar pažiūrų pagrindu. (29 straipsnis)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    Upon the imposition of martial law or the declaration of a state of emergency, the rights and freedoms specified in Articles 22, 24, 25, 32, 35, and 36 of the Constitution may temporarily be limited. (Art. 145)
  • Lithuanian
    Įvedus karo ar nepaprastąją padėtį, laikinai gali būti apribojamos teisės ir laisvės, nurodytos Konstitucijos 22, 24, 25, 32, 35 ir 36 straipsniuose. (145 straipsnis)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English

    During a state of emergency or martial law, the Constitution may not be amended. (Art. 147)
  • Lithuanian
    Nepaprastosios padėties ar karo padėties metu Konstitucija negali būti taisoma. (147 straipsnis)
Links to all sites last visited 3 November 2023

Refer to Art. 105: "The Constitutional Court shall consider and adopt decisions on whether the laws of the Republic of Lithuania or other acts adopted by the Seimas are in conflict with the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania. The Constitutional Court shall also consider whether the following are in conflict with the Constitution and laws: 1) the acts of the President of the Republic; 2) the acts of the Government of the Republic. ..."


According to Art. 150: “The constituent part of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania shall be: … The Constitutional Act “On Membership of the Republic of Lithuania in the European Union” of 13 July 2004.”