Constitution of the Kingdom of Norway 1814, as amended to 2023
Religious Law
  • English
    Our values will remain our Christian and humanist heritage.
    … (Art. 2)
  • Norwegian
    Verdigrunnlaget forblir vår kristne og humanistiske arv.
    ... (§ 2)
Religious Law
  • English
    All inhabitants of the realm shall have the right to free exercise of their religion. The Church of Norway, an Evangelical-Lutheran church, will remain the Established Church of Norway and will as such be supported by the State. Detailed provisions as to its system will be laid down by law. All religious and belief communities should be supported on equal terms. (Art. 16)
  • Norwegian
    Alle innbyggere i riket har fri religionsutøvelse. Den norske kirke, en evangelisk-luthersk kirke, forblir Norges folkekirke og understøttes som sådan av staten. Nærmere bestemmelser om Kirkens ordning fastsettes ved Lov. Alle tros- og livssynssamfunn skal understøttes på lik linje. (§ 16)
Links to all sites last visited 10 January 2024
This meeting is in reference to the meeting of the Council of State.