The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
National Human Rights Bodies
- English1. There shall be established an independent commission to be known as the Human Rights Commission.
4. The Commission shall have power to issue summons or other orders requiring representatives of relevant institutions and other bodies at all levels of government or persons or organizations to appear before it or produce any document or record relevant to any investigation by the Commission.
5. The Commission may request a government representative or any person or organization to take part in its deliberations if and when necessary. (Art. 145)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English
(1) It shall be the duty of the National Human Rights Commission to respect, protect and promote human rights and ensure effective enforcement thereof.
(2) For the accomplishment of the duty referred to in clause (1), the National Human Rights Commission shall perform the following functions:
(a) To inquire, on its own initiative or on petition or complaint presented in or sent to the Commission by a victim or any person on his or her behalf or on information received by the Commission from any source, into and investigate complaints of violations of human rights of an individual or group or abetment thereof, and make recommendation for action against the perpetrators;
(b) In case any official who has the responsibility or duty to prevent violations of human rights fails to fulfil or perform his or her responsibility or duty or shows reluctance in the fulfilment or performance of his or her responsibility or duty, to make recommendation to the concerned authority to take departmental action against such official;
(c) In case it is required to institute a case against any person or organization who has violated human rights, to make recommendation to file a case in the court in accordance with law;
(d) To coordinate and collaborate with civil society in order to enhance awareness on human rights;
(e) To make recommendation, accompanied by the reasons and grounds, to the concerned body for taking departmental action against and imposing punishment on those who are violators of human rights;
(f) To carry out periodic reviews of the relevant laws relating to human rights and make recommendation to the Government of Nepal for necessary improvements in and amendments to such laws;
(g) In case Nepal has to become a party to any international treaty or agreement on human rights, to make recommendation, accompanied by the reasons therefor, to the Government of Nepal; and monitor whether any such treaty or an agreement to which Nepal is already a party has been implemented, and in case it is found not to have been implemented, to make recommendation to the Government of Nepal for its implementation;
(h) To publish, in accordance with law, the names of the officials, persons or bodies who have failed to observe or implement any recommendations or directives made or given by the National Human Rights Commission in relation to the violations of human rights, and record them as violators of human rights.
… (Art. 249) - Nepali
(१) मानव अधिकारको सम्मान, संरक्षण र संवर्धन तथा त्यसको प्रभावकारी कार्यान्वयनलाई सुनिश्चित गर्नु राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोगको कर्तव्य हुनेछ ।
(२) उपधारा (१) मा उल्लिखित कर्तव्य पूरा गर्नका लागि राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोगले देहाय बमोजिमका काम गर्नेछ ः–
(क) कुनै व्यक्ति वा समूहको मानव अधिकार उल्लंघन वा त्यसको दुरुत्साहन भएकोमा पीडित आफैं वा निजको तर्पmबाट कसैले आयोग समक्ष प्रस्तुत वा प्रेषित गरेको निवेदन वा उजूरी वा कुनै स्रोतबाट आयोगलाई प्राप्त भएको वा आयोगको जानकारीमा आएको विषयमा छानबिन तथा अनुसन्धान गरी दोषी उपर कारबाही गर्न सिफारिस गर्ने,
(ख) मानव अधिकारको उल्लंघन हुनबाट रोक्ने जिम्मेवारी वा कर्तव्य भएको पदाधिकारीले आफ्नो जिम्मेवारी पूरा नगरेमा वा कर्तव्य पालन नगरेमा वा जिम्मेवारी पूरा गर्न वा कर्तव्यपालन गर्न उदासीनता देखाएमा त्यस्तो पदाधिकारी उपर विभागीय कारबाही गर्न सम्बन्धित अधिकारी समक्ष सिफारिस गर्ने,
(ग) मानव अधिकार उल्लंघन गर्ने व्यक्ति वा संस्थाका विरुद्ध मुद्दा चलाउनु पर्ने आवश्यकता भएमा कानून बमोजिम अदालतमा मुद्दा दायर गर्न सिफारिस गर्ने,
(घ) मानव अधिकारको चेतना अभिवृद्धि गर्न नागरिक समाजसँग समन्वय र सहकार्य गर्ने,
(ङ) मानव अधिकारको उल्लंघनकर्तालाई विभागीय कारबाही तथा सजाय गर्न कारण र आधार खुलाई सम्बन्धित निकाय समक्ष सिफारिस गर्ने,
(च) मानव अधिकारसँग सम्बन्धित कानूनको आवधिक रूपमा पुनरावलोकन गर्ने तथा त्यसमा गर्नु पर्ने सुधार तथा संशोधनका सम्बन्धमा नेपाल सरकार समक्ष सिफारिस गर्ने,
(छ) मानव अधिकारसँग सम्बन्धित अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सन्धि वा सम्झौताको नेपाल पक्ष बन्नु पर्ने भएमा त्यसको कारण सहित नेपाल सरकारलाई सिफारिस गर्ने र नेपाल पक्ष बनिसकेका सन्धि वा सम्झौताको कार्यान्वयन भए वा नभएको अनुगमनगरी कार्यान्वयन नभएको पाइएमा त्यसको कार्यान्वयन गर्न नेपाल सरकार समक्ष सिफारिस गर्ने,
(ज) मानव अधिकारको उल्लंघनका सम्बन्धमा राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोगले गरेको सिफारिस वा निर्देशन पालन वा कार्यान्वयन नगर्ने पदाधिकारी, व्यक्ति वा निकायको नाम कानून बमोजिम सार्वजनिक गरी मानव अधिकार उल्लंघनकर्ताको रूपमा अभिलेख राख्ने ।
... (धारा २४९)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe Public Defender shall be designated by at least two-thirds of the members present of the Pluri-National Legislative Assembly. … (Art. 220)
- SpanishLa Defensora o el Defensor del Pueblo se designará por al menos dos tercios de los presentes de la Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional. … (Art. 220)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English
(2) The Ombudsman Board members are elected by the National Council on the basis of a joint recommendation drawn up by the Main Committee in the presence of at least half its members. Each of the three parties with the largest number of mandates in the National Council is entitled to nominate one member for this recommendation.
… (Art. 148g) - German
(2) Die Mitglieder der Volksanwaltschaft werden vom Nationalrat auf Grund eines Gesamtvorschlages des Hauptausschusses gewählt. Der Hauptausschuss erstellt seinen Gesamtvorschlag bei Anwesenheit von mindestens der Hälfte seiner Mitglieder, wobei die drei mandatsstärksten Parteien des Nationalrates das Recht haben, je ein Mitglied für diesen Gesamtvorschlag namhaft zu machen.
… (Art. 148g)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe Procurator for the Defense of Human Rights and the Procurator General of the Republic, will have the following functions:
I. It corresponds to the Procurator for the Defense of Human Rights:
1) To see to the respect [for] and guarantee of [the] human rights;
2) To investigate, of office[,] or through a complaint [denuncia] received, the cases of violations of human rights;
3) To assist [the] alleged [presuntas] victims of violations to human rights;
4) To promote judicial or administrative recourses for the protection of [the] human rights;
5) To monitor [vigilar] the situation of the persons deprived of [their] freedom. He will be notified of all the arrests [made] and will see [cuidara] that the legal limits of [the] administrative detention are respected;
6) To carry out inspections, where he deems necessary, in order to assure the respect for the human rights;
7) To supervise the acts of the public administration[,] as opposed to [frente] persons;
8) To promote reforms before the Organs of the State for the progress of [the] human rights;
9) To issue opinions concerning [the] Bills of law that affect the exercise of the human rights;
10) To promote and propose the measures deemed necessary in order to prevent violations of the human rights;
11) To publicly or privately formulate conclusions and recommendations;
12) To prepare and publish reports;
13) To develop a permanent program of activities of promotion concerning the knowledge of[,] and respect for[,] [the] human rights;
14) The others that the Constitution or the law attribute to him.
The Procurator for the Defense of Human Rights may have departmental and local delegates of [a] permanent character.
II. It corresponds to the Procurator General of the Republic:
1) To see to the defense of the family and of the persons and interests of the minors and others [who are] incapable;
2) To provide legal assistance to the persons of limited economic resources, and to represent them judicially in the defense of their individual freedom and labor rights;
3) To appoint, remove, grant leaves of absence to, and accept the resignations of the Auxiliary Procurators of all the Tribunals of the Republic, of [the] Labor Procurators and of the other functionaries and employees of their dependency;
4) To exercise the other attributions that the law establishes. (Art. 194) - SpanishEl Procurador para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos y el procurador General de la Republica, tendran las siguientes funciones:
I.- corresponde al Procurador para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos:
1º- velar por el respeto y la garantia a los derechos humanos;
2º- investigar, de oficio o por denuncia que hubiere recibido, casos de violaciones a los derechos humanos;
3º- asistir a las presuntas victimas de violaciones a los derechos humanos;
4º- promover recursos judiciales o administrativos para la protección de los derechos humanos;
5º- vigilar la situacion de las personas privadas de su libertad. Sera notificado de todo arresto y cuidara que sean respetados los limites legales de la detencion administrativa;
6º- practicar inspecciones, donde lo estime necesario, en orden a asegurar el respeto a los derechos humanos;
7º- supervisar la actuacion de la administracion publica frente a las personas;
8º- promover reformas ante los Organos del Estado para el progreso de los derechos humanos;
9º- emitir opiniones sobre proyectos de leyes que afecten el ejercicio de los derechos humanos;
10º- promover y proponer las medidas que estime necesarias en orden a prevenir violaciones a los derechos humanos;
11º- formular conclusiones y recomendaciones publica o privadamente;
12º- elaborar y publicar informes;
13º- desarrollar un programa permanente de actividades de promocion sobre el conocimiento y respeto de los derechos humanos;
14º- las demás que le atribuyan la constitucion o la ley.
El Procurador para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos podra tener delegados departamentales y locales de caracter permanente.
II.- Corresponde al Procurador General de la Republica:
1º- velar por la defensa de la familia y de las personas e intereses de los menores y demás incapaces;
2º- dar asistencia legal a las personas de escasos recursos económicos, y representarlas judicialmente en la defensa de su libertad individual y de sus derechos laborales;
3º- nombrar, remover, conceder licencias y aceptar renuncias a los Procuradores Auxiliares de todos los Tribunales de la Republica, a los procuradores de trabajo y a los demas funcionarios y empleados de su dependencia;
4º- ejercer las demas atribuciones que establezca la ley. (Art. 194)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English1. The Commissioner for Citizens' Rights shall be appointed by the Sejm, with the consent of the Senate, for a period of 5 years.
… (Art. 209) - Polish1. Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich jest powoływany przez Sejm za zgodą Senatu, na 5 lat.
… (Art. 209)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishIn order to be eligible as Ombudsman it is necessary:
1. To be Panamanian by birth;
2. To fully enjoy one's civil and political rights;
3. To be at least thirty five years of age;
4. Not to have been sentenced to five years in prison or more for a premeditated offense;
5. To have moral integrity and a good reputation;
6. Not to be bound by family ties, within the fourth degree of consanguinity and the second degree of marital relations, to the President of the Republic, any other Cabinet Council member, Justices of the Supreme Court of Justice or a member of the National Assembly. (Art. 130) - SpanishPara ser elegido Defensor del Pueblo se requiere:
1. Ser panameño por nacimiento.
2. Estar en pleno goce de sus derechos civiles y políticos.
3. Haber cumplido treinta y cinco años o más de edad.
4. No haber sido condenado por delito doloso con pena privativa de la libertad de cinco años o más.
5. Tener solvencia moral y prestigio reconocido.
6. No tener parentesco, dentro del cuarto grado de consaguinidad y segundo de afinidad, con el Presidente de la República, con ningún otro miembro del Consejo de Gabinete, con Magistrados de la Corte Suprema de Justicia ni con Diputados de la República. (Art. 130)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English(1) The functions of the Ombudsman shall be to:-
(a) enquire into the conduct of any person to whom this section applies in the exercise of his office or authority, or abuse thereof;
(b) assist in the improvement of the practices and procedures of public bodies; and
(c) ensure the elimination of arbitrary and unfair decisions.
(2) Parliament may confer additional functions on the Ombudsman.
(3) This section applies to members of the public service, the Police Force, the Prisons Service, the government of Honiara city, provincial governments, and such other offices, commissions, corporate bodies or public agencies as may be prescribed by Parliament:
Provided that it shall not apply to the Governor-General or his personal staff or to the Director of Public Prosecutions or any person acting in accordance with his instructions.
(4) Nothing in this section or in any Act of Parliament enacted for the purposes of this Chapter shall confer on the Ombudsman any power to question or review any decision of any judge, magistrate or registrar in the exercise of his judicial functions. (Sec. 97)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English(1) Parliament may, by law, provide for the establishment of the office of Ombudsman.
(2) The Ombudsman shall exercise such powers and perform such functions as Parliament may, by law, determine, including the power to investigate any action taken by a Ministry, a public officer or a statutory public authority.
(3) The Ombudsman shall prepare an annual report concerning the discharge of his functions, and such report shall be laid before Parliament. (Art. 77) - Bengali(১) সংসদ আইনের দ্বারা ন্যায়পালের পদ-প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য বিধান করিতে পারিবেন।
(২) সংসদ আইনের দ্বারা ন্যায়পালকে কোন মন্ত্রণালয়, সরকারী কর্মচারী বা সংবিধিবদ্ধ সরকারী কর্তৃপক্ষের যে কোন কার্য সম্পর্কে তদন্ত পরিচালনার ক্ষমতাসহ যেরূপ ক্ষমতা কিংবা যেরূপ দায়িত্ব প্রদান করিবেন, ন্যায়পাল সেইরূপ ক্ষমতা প্রয়োগ ও দায়িত্ব পালন করিবেন।
(৩) ন্যায়পাল তাঁহার দায়িত্বপালন সম্পর্কে বাৎসরিক রিপোর্ট প্রণয়ন করিবেন এবং অনুরূপ রিপোর্ট সংসদে উপস্থাপিত হইবে। (অনুচ্ছেদ ৭৭)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe National Council of Mediation has for its mission the amelioration of relations between the citizens and the Administration, with a view to protect and to promote the rights of citizens.
The National Council of Mediation is endowed with extensive powers to receive the complaints of citizens and to propose solutions in the matters of prevention, of administration [gestion] and of resolution of conflicts. (Art. 134) - FrenchLe Conseil National de la Médiation a pour mission l’amélioration des relations entre les citoyens et l’Administration, en vue de protéger et de promouvoir les droits des citoyens.
Le Conseil National de la Médiation est doté de pouvoirs étendus pour recevoir les réclamations de citoyens et proposer des solutions en matière de prévention, de gestion et de résolution des conflits. (Art. 134)