Constitution of Burkina Faso 1991, as amended to 2015
Head of State
  • English

    The President of Faso is the Head of the State. He sees to the respect of the Constitution.
    He establishes the principal orientations of the policy of the State.

    He is the guarantor of … respect for agreements and treaties. (Art. 36)

  • French

    Le Président du Faso est le Chef de l’Etat. Il veille au respect de la Constitution.
    Il fixe les grandes orientations de la politique de l’Etat.

    Il est garant … du respect des accords et des traités. (Art. 36)

Head of State
  • English

    The President of Faso is elected by universal, direct, equal and secret suffrage for a mandate of five years.
    … (Art. 37)

  • French

    Le Président du Faso est élu au suffrage universel direct, égal et secret pour un mandat de cinq ans.
    … (Art. 37)

Head of State
  • English

    Every candidate to the functions of President of Faso must be Burkinabe by birth, be thirty-five years of age at least and of seventy-five years [of age] at most at the date of deposit of his candidature[,] and meeting the conditions required by the law. (Art. 38)

  • French

    Tout candidat aux fonctions de Président du Faso doit être Burkinabè de naissance, être âgé de trente cinq ans au moins et de soixante quinze ans au plus à la date du dépôt de sa candidature et réunir les conditions requises par la loi. (Art. 38)


Constitution of Burkina Faso 1991, as amended to 2015 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2023). According to Art. 35: “The official language is French. …”

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