Constitution of the Central African Republic 2016
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    The Central African People, …
    Desirous to forge ties of amity with all peoples on the basis of the principles of equality, … (Preamble)
  • French
    Désireux de nouer des liens d'amitié avec tous les peuples sur la base des principes d'égalité, … (Préambule)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    All human beings are equal before the law without distinction of race, of ethnic origin, of region, of sex, of religion, of political affiliation and of social position.
    The State assures the reinforced protection of the rights of the minorities, of the autochthonous peoples, and of handicapped persons.
    The law guarantees to the man and to the woman equal rights in all the domains. In the Central African Republic one is neither subject [to] nor [has] a privilege of place of birth, of person or of family. (Art. 6)
  • French
    Tous les êtres humains sont égaux devant la loi sans distinction de race, d'origine ethnique, de région, de sexe, de religion, d'appartenance politique et de position sociale.
    L'Etat assure la protection renforcée des droits des minorités, des peuples autochtones, et des personnes handicapées.
    La loi garantit à I'homme et à la femme des droits égaux dans tous les domaines. II n'y a en République Centrafricaine ni sujet, ni privilège de lieu de naissance, de personne ou de famille. (Art. 6)

Constitution of the Central African Republic 2016 (English). This constitution is historical, a new constitution was promulgated in 2023. To date, no English version is available publicly. Translation efforts are underway. According to Art. 24: ""… Its official languages are Sango and French. …""

Links to all sites last visited 22 August 2024
Title I on the Fundamental Bases of Society.
There is a discrepancy between the English and French texts.