Constitutional Charter of the Transition of the Central African Republic 2016
Indigenous Peoples
  • English
    The Central African People, ...
    Reaffirms its adherence to all International Conventions duly ratified, notably those concerning the prohibition of all forms of discrimination with regard to women, to the protection of the rights of the child and those relative to the autochthonous and tribal peoples;
    ... (Preamble)
  • French
    Réaffirme son adhésion à toutes les Conventions Internationales dûment ratifiées notamment celles relatives à l’interdiction de toute forme de discrimination à l’égard des femmes, à la protection des droits de l’enfant et celles relatives aux peuples autochtones et tribaux;
    … (Préambule)
Indigenous Peoples
  • English

    The State assures the reinforced protection of the rights of the minorities, of the autochthonous peoples, and of handicapped persons.
    … (Art. 6)
  • French

    L’Etat assure la protection renforcée des droits des minorités, des peuples autochtones, et des personnes handicapées.
    … (Art. 6)
Indigenous Peoples
  • English
    The High Authority responsible for Good Governance is an institution independent of any political power, of any political party, of any association or of any pressure group. (Art. 147)
  • French
    La Haute Autorité chargée de Bonne Gouvernance est une Institution indépendante de tout pourvoir politique, de tout parti politique, de toute association ou de tout groupe de pression. (Art. 147)
Indigenous Peoples
  • English

    It sees equally to the protection of the rights of minorities, of the autochthonous peoples, of handicapped persons as well as of the principle of equality between men and women. (Art. 148)
  • French

    Elle veille également à la protection des droits des minorités, des peuples autochtones, de personnes handicapées ainsi que du principe de I'égalité entre homme et femme. (Art. 148)

Constitution of the Central African Republic 2016 (English). According to Art. 24: ""… Its official languages are Sango and French. …""

Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
Title I on the Fundamental Bases of Society.
There is a discrepancy between the English and French texts.