Constitution of the Republic of Chad 2018
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    Each individual has the right to the free development of his person with respect to the rights of others, good morals and public order. (Art. 20)
  • Arabic
    يحق لكل فرد بالتنمية الحرة لشخصه في إطار احترام حقوق الآخرين والأخلاق الحميدة والنظام العام. (المادة 20)
  • French
    Tout individu a droit au libre épanouissement de sa personne dans le respect des droits d'autrui, des bonnes mœurs et de l'ordre public. (Art. 20)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    No procedure of revision may be engaged or pursued when it infringes:

    - the freedoms and fundamental rights of the citizen;
    … (Art. 227)
  • Arabic
    لا يجوز إجراء أي تنقيح أو السعي إليه عندما ينتهك:
    - حريات المواطن وحقوقه الأساسية؛
    ... (المادة 227)
  • French
    Aucune procédure de révision ne peut être engagée ou poursuivie lorsqu'elle porte atteinte:

    - aux libertés et droits fondamentaux du citoyen;
    … (Art. 227)

Constitution of the Republic of Chad 2018 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2019).


Constitution of the Republic of Chad 2018 (Arabic). In-house translation by UN Women (2020).


Constitution of the Republic of Chad 2018 (French), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2019).

Documents last visited 31 March 2021