Constitution of the Republic of Chad 2018
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    The access to public employment is guaranteed to every Chadian without discrimination whatever, under reserve of the specific [propres] conditions of each job [emplois].
    Each public agent signs[,] on taking service[,] an ethical commitment. (Art. 33)
  • Arabic
    تولّي الوظائف العامة مضمون لكل تشادي دون أي تمييز في ظل الشروط الخاصة بكل وظيفة.
    يوقع كل موظف عام عند تولي الخدمة على التزام أخلاقي. المادة (33)
  • French
    L'accès aux emplois publics est garanti à tout Tchadien sans discrimination aucune, sous réserve des conditions propres à chaque emploi.
    Chaque agent public signe à la prise de service un engagement déontologique. (Art. 33)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    The State works for the promotion of the political rights of the woman for a better representation within the elected assemblies, the institutions and the public and private administrations.
    The modalities of application of this Article are established by the law. (Art. 34)
  • Arabic
    تعمل الدولة على تعزيز الحقوق السياسية للمرأة في المجالس المنتخبة والمؤسسات والإدارات العامة والخاصة.
    ويحدد القانون طرائق تطبيق هذه المادة. (المادة 34)
  • French
    L'Etat œuvre à la promotion des droits politiques de la femme par une meilleure représentation dans les assemblées élues, les institutions et administrations publiques et privées.
    Les modalités d'application de cet article sont fixées par la loi. (Art. 34)

Constitution of the Republic of Chad 2018 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2019).


Constitution of the Republic of Chad 2018 (Arabic). In-house translation by UN Women (2020).


Constitution of the Republic of Chad 2018 (French), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2019).

Documents last visited 31 March 2021