Constitution of the Republic of Chad 2018
  • English
    The legislative power is exercised by the National Assembly. The members of the National Assembly have the title of Deputy. (Art. 111)
  • Arabic
    يمارس المجلس الوطني السلطة التشريعية، ويحمل أعضاء المجلس الوطني لقب نائب. (المادة 111)
  • French
    Le Pouvoir Législatif est exercé par l'Assemblée Nationale. Les membres de l'Assemblée Nationale portent le titre de Député. (Art. 111)
  • English
    The Deputies are elected by direct universal suffrage.
    … (Art. 113)
  • Arabic
    يُنتخب النواب باقتراع عام مباشر.
    ... (المادة 113)
  • French
    Les députés sont élus au suffrage universel direct. … (Art. 113)
  • English
    Chadians of the two sexes fulfilling the conditions established by the law[,] may be candidates to the National Assembly. (Art. 115)
  • Arabic
    يستطيع التشاديون من الجنسين الذين يفون بالشروط المحددة في القانون أن يكونوا مرشحين للمجلس الوطني. (المادة 115)
  • French
    Peuvent être candidats à l'Assemblée Nationale, les Tchadiens des deux sexes remplissant les conditions fixées par la Loi. (Art. 115)

Constitution of the Republic of Chad 2018 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). This constitution is historical, a new constitution was promulgated in 2023. To date, no English version is available publicly. Translation efforts are underway.


Constitution of the Republic of Chad 2018 (Arabic). In-house translation by UN Women (2020).


Constitution of the Republic of Chad 2018 (French), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024).

Documents last visited 22 August 2024