Constitution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2006, as amended to 2011
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    Congolese nationality is one and exclusive. It may not be held concurrently with any other.
    The Congolese nationality is either of origin, or by individual acquisition.
    Any person belonging to an ethnic group of which the members [personnes] and the territory are constituent to that which became the Congo (presently the Democratic Republic of the Congo) at independence, is Congolese of origin. (Art. 10)4
  • French
    La nationalité congolaise est une et exclusive. Elle ne peut être détenue concurremment avec aucune autre.
    La nationalité congolaise est soit d’origine, soit d’acquisition individuelle.
    Est Congolais d’origine, toute personne appartenant aux groupes ethniques don’t les personnes et le territoire constituaient ce qui est devenu le Congo (présentement la République Démocratique du Congo) à l’indépendance.
    Une loi organique détermine les conditions de reconnaissance, d’acquisition, de perte et de recouvrement de la nationalité congolaise. (Art. 10)
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English

    Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Constitution, the law establishes the rules concerning:

    5. nationality,
    … (Art. 122)

  • French

    Sans préjudice des autres dispositions de la présente Constitution, la loi fixe les règles concernant:

    5. la nationalité,
    … (Art. 122)

Citizenship and Nationality
  • English

    Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Constitution, the following matters are of the exclusive competence of the Central Power:

    3. nationality,
    … (Art. 202)

  • French

    Sans préjudice des autres dispositions de la présente Constitution, les matières suivantes sont de la compétence exclusive du pouvoir central:

    3. la nationalité,
    ... (Art. 202)


Constitution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2006, as amended to 2011 (English). According to Art. 1: “… Its official language is French. …” There are discrepancies in the numbering and content of the English and French texts.

Links to all sites last visited 9 February 2024

There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.

There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.

There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.