Constitution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2006, as amended to 2011
Religious Law
  • English
    The Democratic Republic of the Congo is, within its frontiers of 30 June 1960, a State of Law, independent, sovereign, united and indivisible, social, democratic and secular.
    … (Art. 1)
  • French
    La République Démocratique du Congo est, dans ses frontières du 30 juin 1960, un Etat de droit, indépendant, souverain, uni et indivisible, social, démocratique et laïc.
    … (Art. 1)
Customary Law
  • English

    The State guarantees the right to individual or collective property, acquired in conformity to the law or to custom.
    … (Art. 34)
  • French

    L’Etat garantit le droit à la propriété individuelle ou collective acquis conformément à la loi ou à la coutume.
    … (Art. 34)
Customary Law
  • English

    The civil and military Courts and Tribunals apply the duly ratified international treaties, the laws, [and] the regulatory acts, provided that they are in conformity with the laws as well as customary [law] unless the latter is contrary to the public order or to morality.
    … (Art. 153)
  • French

    Les Cours et Tribunaux, civils et militaires, appliquent les traités internationaux dûment ratifiés, les lois, les actes réglementaires pour autant qu’ils soient conformes aux lois ainsi que la coutume pour autant que celle-ci ne soit pas contraire à l’ordre public ou aux bonnes mœurs.
    … (Art. 153)
Customary Law
  • English
    Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Constitution, the following matters are of the concurrent competence of the Central Power and the Provinces:

    2. the civil and customary rights;
    … (Art. 203)
  • French
    Sans préjudice des autres dispositions de la présente Constitution, les matières suivantes sont de la compétence concurrente du Pouvoir central et des provinces:

    2. les droits civils et coutumiers;
    … (Art. 203)
Customary Law
  • English
    Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Constitution, the following matters are of the exclusive competence of the Provinces:

    28. the execution of customary law;
    … (Art. 204)
  • French
    Sans préjudice des autres dispositions de la présente Constitution, les matières suivantes sont de la compétence exclusive des provinces :

    28. l’exécution du droit coutumier;
    … (Art. 204)
Customary Law
  • English
    The customary authority is recognized.
    It is devolved conforming to local custom, provided that it is not contrary to the Constitution, to the law, to public order and to good morals.
    Each customary chief [who] desires to exercise a public elective mandate must submit himself to election, except in application of the provisions of Article 197, paragraph 3 of this Constitution.
    The customary authority has the duty to promote national unity and cohesion.
    A law establishes the status of the customary chiefs. (Art. 207)
  • French
    L’autorité coutumière est reconnue.
    Elle est dévolue conformément à la coutume locale, pour autant que celle-ci ne soit pas contraire à la Constitution, à la loi, à l’ordre public et aux bonnes moeurs.
    Tout Chef coutumier désireux d’exercer un mandat public électif doit se soumettre à l’élection, sauf application des dispositions de l’article 197 alinéa 3 de la présente Constitution.
    L’autorité coutumière a le devoir de promouvoir l’unité et la cohésion nationales.
    Une loi fixe le statut des chefs coutumiers. (Art. 207)

Constitution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2006, as amended to 2011 (English). According to Art. 1: “… Its official language is French. …” There are discrepancies in the numbering and content of the English and French texts.

Links to all sites last visited 9 February 2024

There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.

There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.

There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.


There are discrepancies between the English and French texts.