Fundamental Law of Equatorial Guinea 1991, as amended to 2012
  • English
    1. Education is a primordial duty of the State. All citizens have the right to primary education, which is obligatory, gratuitous, and guaranteed.
    2. The attainment [alcance] of the non-gratuity of education is established by the law.
    … (Art. 24)
  • Spanish
    1. La educación es un deber primordial del Estado. Todo ciudadano tiene derecho a la educación primaria, que es obligatoria, gratuita y garantizada.
    2. El alcance de la gratuidad de la educación se fija por la ley.
    … (Art. 24)
  • French
    1. L'éducation est un devoir primordial de l'État. Tout citoyen a droit à l'éducation primaire qui est obligatoire, gratuite et garantie.
    2. La loi fixe la portée de la gratuité de l'éducation.
    … (Art. 24)
  • English

    Apart from those cases expressly provided for in other Articles of this Fundamental Law, the following are matters reserved to the law:

    n) The fundamental principles of education,
    … (Art. 69)

  • Spanish

    Aparte de los casos expresamente previstos en otros artículos de esta Ley Fundamental, son materias reservadas a la ley las siguientes:

    n) Los principios fundamentales de la educación,
    … (Art. 69)

  • French

    Outre les cas expressément prévus dans d'autres articles de cette Loi fondamentale, les matières suivantes relèvent du domaine de la loi :

    n) Les principes fondamentaux relatifs à l'éducation,
    … (Art. 69)


Fundamental Law of Equatorial Guinea 1991, as amended to 2012 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). According to Art. 4(1): "The official languages of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea are Spanish, French and those that the Law determines. …” Spanish has the status of national language.


Fundamental Law of Equatorial Guinea 1991, as amended to 2012 (French). In-house translation by UN Women (2020).

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