Constitution of the Gabonese Republic 1991, as amended to 2023
Political Rights and Association
  • English

    13) The right to form associations, political parties or formations, unions [syndicats], companies [sociétés], establishments of social interest as well as religious communities, is guaranteed to all under the conditions established by the law;

    24) The State favors the equal access of women and of men to the electoral mandates as well as to the political and professional responsibilities. (Art. 1)

  • French

    13°) Le droit de former des associations, des partis ou formations politiques, des syndicats, des sociétés, des établissements d’intérêt social ainsi que des communautés religieuses, est garanti à tous dans les conditions fixées par la loi;
    24°) L'Etat favorise l'égal accès des femmes et des hommes aux mandats électoraux ainsi qu'aux responsabilités politiques et professionnelles. (Art. 1)

Political Rights and Association
  • English

    Suffrage is universal, equal and secret. It can be direct or indirect, within the conditions provided for by the Constitution or by the law. The ballot is [by] uninominal majority [majoritaire uninominal/first-past-the-post] in one round for the presidential and parliamentary elections. The ballot is by list and in one round for the local elections.
    Within the conditions specified by the Constitution and by the law, all Gabonese of both sexes, being already eighteen years of age, enjoying their civil and political rights, are electors and eligible.
     … (Art. 4)6

  • French

    Le suffrage est universel, égal et secret. Il peut être direct ou indirect, dans les conditions prévues par la Constitution ou par la loi. Le scrutin est majoritaire uninominal à un (1) tour pour les élections présidentielles et parlementaires. Le scrutin est de liste et à un (1) tour pour les élections locales.
    Sont électeurs et éligibles, dans les conditions prévues par la Constitution et par la loi, tous les Gabonais des deux sexes, âgés de dix-huit ans révolus, jouissant de leurs droits civils et politiques.
    ... (Art. 4)

Political Rights and Association
  • English

    Outside of the cases expressly provided for by the Constitution, the law establishes the rules concerning:

    - the regime of associations, of parties, of political groups [formations],
    … (Art. 47)

  • French

    En dehors des cas expressément prévus par la Constitution, la loi fixe les règles concernant:
    - le régime des associations, des partis, des formations politiques
    ... (Art. 47)


Constitution of the Gabonese Republic 1991, as amended to 2020 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). Consolidated version as amended to 2023 not publicly available. According to Art. 2: “… The Gabonese Republic adopts French as the official working language. …”

Links to all sites last visited 28 May 2024

There is a discrepancy between the English and French texts.


There is a discrepancy between the English and French texts.


There is a discrepancy between the English and French texts.


Art. 4 as amended by 2023 Amendment; In-house translation by UN Women, 2024.


Art. 9 as amended by 2023 Amendment; In-house translation by UN Women, 2024.


Art. 10 as amended by 2023 Amendment; In-house translation by UN Women, 2024.


Art. 35 as amended by 2023 Amendment; In-house translation by UN Women, 2024.


There is a discrepancy between the English and French texts.


There is a discrepancy between the English and French texts.