Constitution of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau 1984, as amended to 1996
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    All citizens are equal before the law, enjoy the same rights and are subjected to the same duties, without distinction of race, sex, social status, social, intellectual or cultural level, religious belief or philosophical conviction. (Art. 24)
  • Portuguese
    Todos os cidadãos são iguais perante a lei, gozam dos mesmos direitos e estão sujeitos aos mesmos deveres, sem distinção de raça, sexo, nível social, intelectual ou cultural, crença religiosa ou convicção filosófica. (Art. 24)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    Men and women are equal before the law in all aspects of political, economic, social and cultural life. (Art. 25)
  • Portuguese
    O homem e a mulher são iguais perante a lei em todos os domínios da vida política, económica, social e cultural. (Art. 25)
Links to all sites last visited 12 February 2024
Part II on Fundamental Rights, Liberties, Assurances and Duties.