Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique 2004, as amended to 2023
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    1. The family sector shall play a fundamental role in meeting the basic needs of the people.
    2. The State shall support and provide incentives for family sector production, and shall encourage peasants as well as individual workers to organize themselves into more advanced forms of production. (Art. 105)
  • Portuguese
    1. Na satisfação das necessidades essenciais da população, ao sector familiar cabe um papel fundamental.
    2. O Estado incentiva e apoia a produção do sector familiar e encoraja os camponeses, bem como os trabalhadores individuais, a organizarem-se em formas mais avançadas de produção. (Art. 105)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    1. The family is the fundamental unit and the basis of society.
    2. The State shall, in accordance with the law, recognise and protect marriage as the institution that secures the pursuit of family objectives.
    3. In the context of the development of social relations based on respect for human dignity, the State shall guarantee the principle that marriage is based on free consent.
    4. The law shall establish forms in which traditional and religious marriage shall be esteemed, and determine the registration requirements and effects of such marriage. (Art. 119)
  • Portuguese
    1. A família é o elemento fundamental e a base de toda a sociedade.
    2. O Estado reconhece e protege, nos termos da lei, o casamento como instituição que garante a prossecução dos objectivos da família.
    3. No quadro do desenvolvimento de relações sociais assentes no respeito pela dignidade da pessoa humana, o Estado consagra o princípio de que o casamento se baseia no livre consentimento.
    4. A lei estabelece as formas de valorização do casamento tradicional e religioso, define os requisitos do seu registo e fixa os seus efeitos. (Art. 119)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    1. Motherhood and fatherhood shall be afforded dignity and protection.
    2. The family shall be responsible for raising children in a harmonious manner, and shall teach the new generations moral, ethical and social values.
    3. The family and the State shall ensure the education of children, bringing them up in the values of national unity, love for the motherland, equality among men and women, respect and social solidarity.
    4. Fathers and mothers shall support children born out of wedlock and those born in wedlock. (Art. 120)
  • Portuguese
    1. A maternidade e a paternidade são dignificadas e protegidas.
    2. A família é responsável pelo crescimento harmonioso da criança e educa as novas gerações nos valores morais, éticos e sociais.
    3. A família e o Estado asseguram a educação da criança, formando-a nos valores da unidade nacional, no amor à pátria, igualdade entre homens e mulheres, respeito e solidariedade social.
    4. Os pais e as mães devem prestar assistência aos filhos nascidos dentro e fora do casamento. (Art. 120)

Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique 2004, as amended to 2018 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). Consolidated version as amended to 2023 not publicly available, concerns provision (Art. 311) that is not of direct relevance to the database. According to Art. 10: “The official language in the Republic of Mozambique shall be Portuguese.”

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