Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique 2004, as amended to 2023
Status of the Constitution
  • English

    3. The State is subordinate to the Constitution and is founded on legality.
    4. Constitutional rules shall prevail over all other rules of the legal order. (Art. 2)
  • Portuguese

    3. O Estado subordina-se à Constituição e funda-se na legalidade.
    4. As normas constitucionais prevalecem sobre todas as restantes normas do ordenamento jurídico. (Art. 2)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    The State recognises the different normative and dispute resolution systems that co-exist in Mozambican society, insofar as they are not contrary to the fundamental principles and values of the Constitution. (Art. 4)
  • Portuguese
    O Estado reconhece os vários sistemas normativos e de resolução de conflitos que coexistem na sociedade moçambicana, na medida em que não contrariem os valores e os princípios fundamentais da Constituição. (Art. 4)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    1. All citizens shall have the duty to respect the constitutional order.
    2. Acts contrary to the provisions of the Constitution shall be subject to punishment in terms of the law. (Art. 38)
  • Portuguese
    1. Todos os cidadãos têm o dever de respeitar a ordem constitucional.
    2. Os actos contrários ao estabelecido na Constituição são sujeitos à sanção nos termos da lei. (Art. 38)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    1. Individual rights and freedoms shall be directly applicable, shall bind both public and private entities, shall be guaranteed by the State, and shall be exercised within the Constitutional framework and the law.
    ... (Art. 56)
  • Portuguese
    1. Os direitos e liberdades individuais são directamente aplicáveis, vinculam as entidades públicas e privadas, são garantidos pelo Estado e devem ser exercidos no quadro da Constituição e das leis.
    ... (Art. 56)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    In matters brought before them for decision, the courts shall not apply laws or principles that are contrary to the Constitution. (Art. 213)
  • Portuguese
    Nos feitos submetidos a julgamento os tribunais não podem aplicar leis ou princípios que ofendam a Constituição. (Art. 213)
Status of the Constitution
  • English

    2. The offices and agents of the Public Administration shall owe obedience to the Constitution and the law, and shall act with respect for the principles of equality, of impartiality, of ethics and of justice. (Art. 248)
  • Portuguese

    2. Os órgãos da Administração Pública obedecem à Constituição e à lei e actuam com respeito pelos princípios da igualdade, da imparcialidade, da ética e da justiça. (Art. 248)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    Insofar as it is not contrary to the Constitution, previous legislation shall remain in force until it is modified or repealed. (Art. 312)
  • Portuguese
    A legislação anterior, no que não for contrária à Constituição, mantém-se em vigor até que seja modificada ou revogada. (Art. 312)

Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique 2004, as amended to 2018 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). Consolidated version as amended to 2023 not publicly available, concerns provision (Art. 311) that is not of direct relevance to the database. According to Art. 10: “The official language in the Republic of Mozambique shall be Portuguese.”

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