Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique 2004, as amended to 2023
Head of State
  • English
    1. The President of the Republic is the Head of State, embodying national unity, representing the nation on a national and an international scale, and overseeing the correct functioning of the State offices.
    2. The Head of State shall be the guarantor of the Constitution.
    … (Art. 145)
  • Portuguese
    1. O Presidente da República é o Chefe do Estado, simboliza a unidade nacional, representa a Nação no plano interno e internacional e zela pelo funcionamento correcto dos órgãos do Estado.
    2. O Chefe do Estado é o garante da Constituição.
    … (Art. 145)
Head of State
  • English
    1. The President of the Republic shall be elected through direct, universal, equal and periodic suffrage and by personal and secret ballot.
    2. All Mozambican citizens may be candidates for the office of President of the Republic, provided that they meet all of the following conditions:
    a. that they possess nationality by origin and do not possess any other nationality;
    b. that they are at least thirty-five years of age;
    c. that they are in full possession of their civil and political rights;
    d. that they have been proposed by at least ten thousand voters.
    … (Art. 146)
  • Portuguese
    1. O Presidente da República é eleito por sufrágio universal directo, igual, secreto, pessoal e periódico.
    2. Podem ser candidatos a Presidente da República os cidadãos moçambicanos que cumulativamente:
    a) tenham a nacionalidade originária e não possuam outra nacionalidade;
    b) possuam a idade mínima de trinta e cinco anos;
    c) estejam no pleno gozo dos direitos civis e políticos;
    d) tenham sido propostos por um mínimo de dez mil eleitores.
    … (Art. 146)

Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique 2004, as amended to 2018 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). Consolidated version as amended to 2023 not publicly available, concerns provision (Art. 311) that is not of direct relevance to the database. According to Art. 10: “The official language in the Republic of Mozambique shall be Portuguese.”

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