Constitution of the Republic of Namibia 1990, as amended to 2014
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    (3) The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State. (Art. 14)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    The State shall actively promote and maintain the welfare of the people by adopting, inter alia, policies aimed at the following:
    (a) … the Government shall seek, through appropriate legislation, to provide maternity and related benefits for women;

    (e) ensurance that every citizen has a right to fair and reasonable access to public facilities and services in accordance with the law;
    (f) ensurance that senior citizens are entitled to and do receive a regular pension adequate for the maintenance of a decent standard of living and the enjoyment of social and cultural opportunities;
    (g) enactment of legislation to ensure that the unemployed, the incapacitated, the indigent and the disadvantaged are accorded such social benefits and amenities as are determined by Parliament to be just and affordable with due regard to the resources of the State;
    … (Art. 95)

Constitution of the Republic of Namibia 1990, as amended to 2014 (English). According to Art. 3(1): "The official language of Namibia shall be English.”

Links to all sites last visited 28 February 2024
Chapter 3 on Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms.
Chapter 3 on Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms.
Chapter 3 on Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms.
Chapter 3 on Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms.
Chapter 3 on Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms.
Art. 26 on State of Emergency, State of National Defence and Martial Law.
Chapter 3 on Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms.