Constitution of the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe 1975, as amended to 2003
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    The prime objectives of the State shall be:

    c) To promote and guarantee the democratization and progress of economic, social and cultural structures;
    … (Art. 10)
  • Portuguese
    São objectivos primordiais do Estado:

    c) Promover e garantir a democratização e o progresso das estruturas económicas, sociais e culturais;
    … (Art. 10)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    1. The State shall guarantee to every citizen, through the social security system, the right to protection in illness, disability, old age, widowhood, orphanhood and in other cases provided for by the law.
    … (Art. 44)
  • Portuguese
    1. O Estado garante a todo o cidadão, através do sistema de segurança social, o direito a protecção na doença, invalidez, velhice, viuvez, orfandade e noutros casos previstos na lei.
    … (Art. 44)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    1. The family, as the fundamental element of the society, shall have the right to protection by the society and by the State.
    2. It shall be incumbent, especially, upon the State:
    a) To promote social and economic independence of households;
    b) To promote the creation of a national network of maternal-infant assistance;
    c) To cooperate with parents in the raising of their children. (Art. 51)
  • Portuguese
    1. A família, como elemento fundamental da sociedade, tem direito à protecção de sociedade e do Estado.
    2. Incumbe, especialmente, ao Estado:
    a) Promover a independência social e económica dos agregados familiares;
    b) Promover a criação de uma rede nacional de assistência materno-infantil;
    c) Cooperar com os pais na educação dos filhos. (Art. 51)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    The State shall support and protect social organizations recognized by law which, in correspondence with specific interests, shall frame and foment the civic participation of the citizens. (Art. 62)
  • Portuguese
    O Estado apoia e protege as organizações sociais reconhecidas por lei que, em correspondência com interesses específicos, enquadram e fomentam a participação cívica dos cidadãos. (Art. 62)

Constitution of the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe 1975, as amended to 2003 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024).

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