Constitution of the Republic of Senegal 2001, as amended to 2018
Protection from Violence
  • English
    The human person is sacred. It is inviolable. The State has the obligation to respect it and to protect it.
    Every individual has the right to life, to liberty, to security, to the free development of his personality, to corporeal integrity, notably to protection against all physical mutilations. … (Art. 7)
  • French
    La personne humaine est sacrée. Elle est inviolable. L'Etat a l'obligation de la respecter et de la protéger.
    Tout individu a droit à la vie, à la liberté, à la sécurité, au libre développement de sa personnalité, à l'intégrité corporelle notamment à la protection contre toutes mutilations physiques. ... (Art. 7)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    Forced marriage is a violation of individual liberty. It is forbidden and punished within the conditions established by the law. (Art. 18)
  • French
    Le mariage forcé est une violation de la liberté individuelle. Elle est interdite et punie dans les conditions fixées par la loi. (Art. 18)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    … Youth is protected by the State and the public collectivities against exploitation, drugs, narcotics, moral abandonment and delinquency. (Art. 20)
  • French
    … La jeunesse est protégée par l'Etat et les collectivités publiques contre l'exploitation, la drogue, les stupéfiants, l'abandon moral et la délinquance. (Art. 20)

Constitution of the Republic of Senegal 2001, as amended to 2016 (English). The 2018 amendment to the Constitution is not publicly available in English. According to Art. 1 of the 2001 Constitution: “The official language of the Republic of Senegal is French.”

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