Constitution of Sierra Leone 1991, as amended to 2022
Political Parties
  • English

    (1) Subject to the provisions of this section, political parties may be established to participate in shaping the political will of the people, to disseminate information on political ideas, and social and economic programmes of a national character, and to sponsor candidates for Presidential, Parliamentary or Local Government elections.
    (2) The internal organisation of a political party shall conform to democratic principles, and its aims, objectives, purposes and programmes shall not contravene, or be inconsistent with, any provisions of this Constitution.
    (3) A statement of the sources of income and the audited accounts of a political party, together with a statement of its assets and liabilities, shall be submined annually to the Political Parties Regulation Commission, but no such account shall be audited by a member of the political party whose account is submitted.
    (4) No political party shall have as a leader a person who is not qualified to be elected as a Member of Parliament.
    (5) An association shall not be registered as a political party if the Political Parties Regulation Commission is satisfied that -
    a. membership or leadership of the party is restricted to members of any particular tribal or ethnic group or religious faith; 
    b. the name, symbol, colour or motto of the party has exclusive or particular significance or connotation to members of any particular tribal or ethnic group or religious faith; 
    c. the party is formed for the sole purpose of securing or advancing the interests and welfare of a particular tribal or ethnic group, community, geographical area or religious faith; or
    d. the party does not have a registered office in each of the Provincial Headquarter towns and the Western Area.
    (6) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, and in furtherance of the provisions of this section, Parliament may make laws regulating the registration, functions and operation of political parties.
    (7) An association aggrieved by a decision of the Political Parties Regulation Commission under this section may appeal to the Supreme Court and the decision of the Supreme Court shall be final.
    (8) For the purposes of this section the expression—
    “association” includes anybody of persons, corporate or incorporate, who agree to act together for any common purpose, or an association formed for any ethnic, social, cultural, occupational or religious purpose; and
    “political party” means any association registered as a political party as prescribed by subsection (5). (Sec. 35)4

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Sections 18 (Protection of freedom of movement), 22 (Protection for privacy of home and other property), 24 (Protection of freedom of conscience), 25 (Protection of freedom of expression and the press) and 26 (Protection of freedom of assembly and association).
Chapter III on the Recognition and Protection of Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms of the Individual.

Sec. 35 as amended by 2022 Amendment.