Provisional Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia 2012
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English

    (5) Women must be included in all national institutions, in an effective way, in particular all elected and appointed positions across the three branches of government and in national independent commissions. (Art. 3)
  • Somali

    (5) Haweenku waa in ay ka mid noqdaan dhammaan hay’adaha guud ee qaranka, si wax-ku-ool ah, gaar ahaan jagooyinka la isu doorto iyo kuwa la isu magacaabo ee saddexda laamood ee Dawladda iyo Guddiyada Madaxbannaan ee Qaranka. (Qodobka 3aad.)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English

    (1) Every citizen has the right to take part in public affairs.
    … (Art. 22)

  • Somali

    (1) Muwaaddin kastaa wuxuu xaq u leeyahay in uu ka qayb-qaato arrimaha guud ee dadweynaha.
    … (Qodobka 22aad.)

Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    (1) At the beginning of the term of the House of the People, both Houses of the Federal Parliament shall establish a Parliamentary Service Commission serving for the term of the House of the People.
    (2) The Parliamentary Service Commission shall consist of:
    (a) The Speaker of the House of the People as chairperson;
    (b) The Speaker of the Upper House as vice-chairperson;
    (c) Four (4) members elected by the House of the People from among its members, of whom at least two (2) shall be women;
    (d) Two (2) members elected by the Upper House from among its members, of whom at least one shall be a woman; and
    (e) One member appointed by the House of the People from among persons who are experienced in public affairs, but are not members of the Federal Parliament.
    … (Art. 111D)
  • Somali
    (1) Mudadda bilowga ah ee Golaha shacabka, waa in labada aqal ee Federaalku sameeyaan Guddiga Adeega Baarlamaanka taasoo shaqeyneysa mudadda Aqalka Dadweynuhu jiro.
    (2) Guddiga Adeega Baarlamaanku waa inuu ka koobnaadaa:
    (a) Guddoomiyaha Golaha shacabka oo ah guddoominaya fadhiyada;
    (b) Guddoomiyaha Aqalka Sare oo noqonaya guddoomiye ku-xigeen;
    (c) Afar xubnood oo lagu soo magacaabay Golaha shacabka kuwaasoo ay ugu yaraan ka mid yihiin laba haween ah;
    (d) Laba xubinood laga soo magacaabay Golaha shacabka kaasoo ay midkood tahay haweenay;
    (e) Hal xubin oo ay soo magacaabay Golaha Shacabka oo ah shakhsi khabiir ku ah arrimaha dadweynaha hase yeeshee aan ka mid ahayn xubnaha Baarlamanka;Federaalka.
    … (Qodobka 111D.)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English

    (2) Every Somali citizen is entitled to be considered for positions in the national armed forces at all levels, without discrimination and the rights of women shall be protected in this respect. (Art. 127)
  • Somali

    (2) Muwaadin kasta oo Soomaali waxa uu xaq u leeyahay in uu ka qayb-qaato jagooyinka iyo jaranjarooyinka darajo ee Ciidammada iyada oo aan la takooreyn, iyadoo la ilaalinaaya xuquuqda haweenka ee arrintan la xiriirta. (Qodobka 127aad.)

Provisional Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia 2012 (English). According to Art. 5: “The official language of the Federal Republic of Somalia is Somali (Maay and Maxaa-tiri), and Arabic is the second language.”

Links to all sites last visited 20 March 2024

Chapter 6 on the Federal Parliament.

Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Article 27 is entitled "Economic and Social Rights".
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.