Provisional Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia 2012
Head of State
  • English
    (1) The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia is:
    (a) The Head of the State of the Federal Republic of Somalia;

    (c) The guardian and promoter of the founding principles of the Constitution.
    (2) The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia shall carry out his duties in accordance with the Constitution and the other laws of the Federal Republic of Somalia. (Art. 87)
  • Somali
    (1) Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya waa:
    (a) Madaxa Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya;

    (c) Ilaaliyaha iyo horumariyaha mabaadi'da asaasiga ah ee Dastuurka.
    (2) Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka wuxuu xilkiisa u gudanayaa si waafaqsan Dastuurkan iyo sharciyada kale ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya. (Qodobka 87aad.)
Head of State
  • English
    Any citizen is eligible for the position of President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, as long as he or she meets the eligibility requirements of:
    (a) Being a Somali citizen and a Muslim;
    (b) Being not less than forty years of age;
    (c) Having relevant knowledge or experience for the role;
    (d) Having a sound mind; and
    (e) Not having been convicted by a court of a major crime. (Art. 88)
  • Somali
    Waxaa loo dooran karaa xilka Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Muwaaddin kasta oo:
    (a) Muwaadin Soomaali, Muslim ah;
    (b) Da’adiisu aanay ka yarayn afartan (40) sano;
    (c) Leh aqoon ama waayo’aragnimo u qalanta xilkaas;
    (d) Dhimirkiisu dhan yahay;
    (e) Gelin denbi culus oo ay maxkamadi xukuntay. (Qodobka 88aad.)
Head of State
  • English
    (1) The Houses of the Federal Parliament shall elect the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia in a joint session, presided over by the Speaker of the House of the People of the Federal Parliament.
    … (Art. 89)
  • Somali
    (1) Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka waa in ay doortaan labada Gole ee Baarlamaanka oo wada fadhiya, waxaana guddoominaya fadhigaa Guddoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka ah.
    ... (Qodobka 89aad.)

Provisional Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia 2012 (English). According to Art. 5: “The official language of the Federal Republic of Somalia is Somali (Maay and Maxaa-tiri), and Arabic is the second language.”

Links to all sites last visited 20 March 2024

Chapter 6 on the Federal Parliament.

Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Article 27 is entitled "Economic and Social Rights".
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.
Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen.