Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan 2011, as amended to 2020
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    Every person of marriageable age shall have the right to marry a person of the opposite sex and to found a family according to their respective family laws, and no marriage shall be entered into without the free and full consent of the man and woman intending to marry. (Art. 15)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English

    4. All levels of government shall:

    c. provide maternity and child care and medical care for pregnant and lactating women.
    … (Art. 16)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    1. Every child has the right:

    c. to know and be cared for by his or her parents or legal guardian;
    … (Art. 17)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English

    3. No death penalty shall be executed upon a pregnant or lactating woman, save after two years of lactation. (Art. 21)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    The privacy of all persons shall be inviolable; no person shall be subjected to interference with his or her private life, family, home or correspondence, save in accordance with the law. (Art. 22)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    1. Family is the natural and fundamental unit of society and shall be protected by law.
    2. All levels of government shall promote the welfare of the family and enact the necessary laws for its protection.
    3. It is the right and duty of parents to care for and bring up their children.
    4. Children shall not be separated from their parents or persons legally entitled to care for them against the will of such parents or persons, except in accordance with the law. (Art. 39)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    The exclusive executive and legislative powers of a state shall be as follows:

    16. Registration of marriage, divorce, inheritance, birth, death, adoption and affiliations;
    … (Schedule (B). Powers of States)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    The National and state governments shall have legislative and executive competences on any of the matters listed below:

    23. Mother, Childcare and protection; … (Schedule (C). Concurrent Powers)
Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan, as amended to 2013 (English). Several amendments took place after 2013 that are yet to be incorporated into the Constitutional text.
Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
The 2018 Revitalized Peace Agreement increased the affirmative action for women to a minimum of thirty five percent. The Peace Agreement overrides the Transitional Consitition of 2011, however, it is yet to be incorporated into the Constitutional Text.
The 2018 Revitalized Peace Agreement increased the affirmative action for women to a minimum of thirty five percent. The Peace Agreement overrides the Transitional Consitition of 2011, however, it is yet to be incorporated into the Constitutional Text.
The 2018 Revitalized Peace Agreement increased the affirmative action for women to a minimum of thirty five percent. The Peace Agreement overrides the Transitional Consitition of 2011, however, it is yet to be incorporated into the Constitutional Text.
The 2018 Revitalized Peace Agreement increased the affirmative action for women to a minimum of thirty five percent. The Peace Agreement overrides the Transitional Consitition of 2011, however, it is yet to be incorporated into the Constitutional Text.
The 2018 Revitalized Peace Agreement increased the affirmative action for women to a minimum of thirty five percent. The Peace Agreement overrides the Transitional Consitition of 2011, however, it is yet to be incorporated into the Constitutional Text.
The 2018 Revitalized Peace Agreement increased the affirmative action for women to a minimum of thirty five percent. The Peace Agreement overrides the Transitional Consitition of 2011, however, it is yet to be incorporated into the Constitutional Text.
The 2018 Revitalized Peace Agreement increased the affirmative action for women to a minimum of thirty five percent. The Peace Agreement overrides the Transitional Consitition of 2011, however, it is yet to be incorporated into the Constitutional Text.
The 2018 Revitalized Peace Agreement provides for a Presidency structure that comprises of a First Vice President and four Vice Presidents.
The 2018 Revitalized Peace Agreement increased the affirmative action for women to a minimum of thirty five percent. The Peace Agreement overrides the Transitional Consitition of 2011, however, it is yet to be incorporated into the Constitutional Text.
The 2018 Revitalized Peace Agreement increased the affirmative action for women to a minimum of thirty five percent. The Peace Agreement overrides the Transitional Consitition of 2011, however, it is yet to be incorporated into the Constitutional Text.
Bill of Rights
The 2018 Revitalized Peace Agreement increased the affirmative action for women to a minimum of thirty five percent. The Peace Agreement overrides the Transitional Consitition of 2011, however, it is yet to be incorporated into the Constitutional Text.