Constitutional Charter for the Transitional Period of Sudan 2019
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    … Enshrining the principle of political pluralism and the establishment of a state of law that recognizes diversity, takes citizenship as a basis for rights and duties, … (Preamble)
  • Arabic
    ... وإرساء لمبدأ التعددية السياسية وتأسيس دولة القانون التي تعترف بالتنوع وترتكز علي المواطنة أساسا للحقوق والواجبات،... (ديباجه)
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    (1) Citizenship is the basis of equal rights and obligations for all Sudanese.
    (2) Anyone born to a Sudanese mother or father has an inalienable right to possess Sudanese nationality and citizenship.
    (3) The law shall organize citizenship and naturalization, and no one who has acquired citizenship by naturalization shall be deprived of nationality except by law.
    (4) Any Sudanese person may acquire the nationality of another country, as regulated by law. (Art. 44)
  • Arabic
    1. تكون المواطنه اساس الحقوق المتساوية والواجبات لكل السودانيين
    2. لكل مولود من أم او أب سوداني حق لا ينتقص في التمتع بالجنسية ةالمواطنة السودانيه
    3. ينظم القانون المواطنة والتجنس، ولا يجوز نزع الجنسية عمن إكتسبها بالتجنس إلا بقانون
    4. يجوز لأي سوداني أن يكتسب جنسية بلد أخر حسبما ينظمه القانون .... (الماده 45)
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    The essential issues for peace negotiations include the following:

    e. Equal citizenship;
    … (Art 68)
  • Arabic
    تشمل القضاية الجوهرية لمفاوضات السلام الأتي:

    ....د. المواطنة المتساوية
    (الماده 69)

Constitutional Charter for the Transitional Period of Sudan 2019 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). There are discrepancies in the numbering between the English and the Arabic texts.

Links to all sites last visited 16 July 2024
Reference to Chapter 14: Rights and Freedoms Charter.
There is a typo in the numbering in the original version.
Reference to Chapter 14: Rights and Freedoms Charter.
Reference to Chapter 14: Rights and Freedoms Charter.