Constitutional Charter for the Transitional Period of Sudan 2019, as amended to 2020
Religious Law
  • English
    In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate … (Preamble)
  • Arabic
    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم .... (ديباجه)
Religious Law
  • English
    (1) The death penalty may only be inflicted as retribution (qasas), a hudud punishment, or as a penalty for crimes of extreme gravity, in accordance with the law.
    (3) The death penalty may only be inflicted on pregnant women and nursing mothers two years after [they have finished] breastfeeding. (Art. 53)
  • Arabic
    1. لا يجوز توقيع عقوبة الإعدام إلا قصاصاً او حداً او جزاءً علي الجرائم بالغة الخطورة، بموجب القانون.

    3. لا يجوز تنفيذ عقوبة الإعدام علي الحوامل او المرضعات إلا بعد عامين من الرضاعة. (الماده 54)
Customary Law
  • English

    (4) The state shall work to combat harmful customs and traditions that reduce the dignity and status of women.
    … (Art. 48)
  • Arabic

    4. تعمل الدولة علي محاربة العاذات والتقاليد الضارة التي تقلل من كرامة المرأة ووضعيتها..
    (الماده 49)
Customary Law
  • English
    All ethnic and cultural groups shall have the right to enjoy their own culture and develop it freely. The members of such groups shall have the right to exercise their beliefs, use their languages, observe their religions or customs, and raise their children in the framework of such cultures and customs. (Art. 65)
  • Arabic
    لكل المجموعات العرقية والثقافية الحق في أن تنعم بثقافتها الخاصة وتطورها بحرية، وللمنتميين لهذة المجموعات الحق في أن يمارسوا معتقداتهم ويستخدموا لغاتهم ويراعوا أديانهم واعرافهم وينشئوا اطفالهم في إطار تلك الثقافات والاعراف. (الماده 66)
Constitutional Charter for the Transitional Period of Sudan 2019 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library 2020. There are discrepancies in the numbering between the English and the Arabic texts.
Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
Reference to Chapter 14: Rights and Freedoms Charter.
There is a typo in the numbering in the original version.
Reference to Chapter 14: Rights and Freedoms Charter.
Reference to Chapter 14: Rights and Freedoms Charter.