Constitutional Charter for the Transitional Period of Sudan 2019
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
  • English
    (1) Every citizen shall have the right to acquisition and ownership by law.
    … (Art. 60)
  • Arabic
    1. لكل مواطن الحق في الحيازة او التملك وفقاً للقانون... (الماده 61)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
  • English
    During the transitional period, state agencies shall work on performing the following duties:

    i. Return properties belonging to organizations and individuals that were confiscated due to war in accordance with the law.
    j. Adhere to the relevant international standards for compensation and return of properties to displaced persons and refugees, and ensure and guarantee the human rights of displaced persons and refugees set forth in international agreements and national laws within the voluntary return process and after.
    ... (Art. 67)
  • Arabic
    تعمل اجهزة الدولةفي الفترة الانتقاليه في انفاذ المهام الأتيه:

    9. إرجاع الممتلكات التي تخص التنظيمات والافراد التي تمت مصادرتها بسبب الحرب وفقاً للقانون.
    10. الإلتزام بالمعايير الدولية ذات صله بتعويض واعادة الممتلكات النازحيين واللاجئين وكفالة وضمان حقوق الانسان النازح واللاجئ المنصوص عليها في الاتفاقيات الدولية والقوانين الوطنية خلال عملية العوده الطوعية وبعدها.
    (الماده 68)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
  • English
    The essential issues for peace negotiations include the following:

    g. Issues of land and tribal lands (hawakir);
    … (Art. 68)
  • Arabic
    تشمل قضايا الجوهرية لمفاوضات السلام الآتي:

    7. قضايا الارض والحواكير،
    (الماده 69)

Constitutional Charter for the Transitional Period of Sudan 2019 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). There are discrepancies in the numbering between the English and the Arabic texts.

Links to all sites last visited 16 July 2024
Reference to Chapter 14: Rights and Freedoms Charter.
There is a typo in the numbering in the original version.
Reference to Chapter 14: Rights and Freedoms Charter.
Reference to Chapter 14: Rights and Freedoms Charter.