Constitution of the Republic of Tunisia 2022
Political Parties
  • English

    The freedom to constitute political parties, trade unions [syndicats] and associations is guaranteed.
    The political parties, the trade unions and the associations commit in their statutes and their activities to respect the provisions of the Constitution and of the law, as well as the financial transparency and the rejection of violence. (Art. 40)

  • Arabic

    حرّية تكوين الأحزاب والنّقابات والجمعيّات مضمونة.
    تلتزم الأحزاب والنّقابات والجمعيّات في أنظمتها الأساسيّة وفي أنشطتها بأحكام الدّستور والقانون وبالشّفافيّة الماليّة ونبذ العنف. (الفصل 40)

  • French

    La liberté de constituer des partis politiques, des syndicats et des associations est garantie.
    Les partis politiques, les syndicats et les associations s’engagent dans leurs statuts et leurs activités à respecter les dispositions de la Constitution et de la loi, ainsi que la transparence financière et le rejet de la violence. (Art. 40)

Political Parties
  • English

    The texts concerning the following matters are taken in the form of organic law:

    - the organization of the political parties, associations, unions, organizations and professional orders as well as their financing,
    … (Art. 75)

  • Arabic

    تتّخذ شكل قوانين أساسيّة النّصوص المتعلّقة بالمسائل التّالية:
    - تنظيم الأحزاب والجمعيّات والنّقابات والمنظّمات والهيئات المهنيّة وتمويلها.
    ... (الفصل 75)

  • French

    Sont pris sous forme de loi organique, les textes relatifs aux matières suivantes :

    - l’organisation des partis politiques, des associations, des syndicats, des organisations et des ordre professionnels ainsi que leur financement,
    … (Art. 75)


Constitution of the Republic of Tunisia 2022 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024). According to Art. 6: "… The official language is Arabic."

Links to all sites last visited 28 May 2024