Constitution of the Argentine Nation 1853, as amended to 1994
Indigenous Peoples
  • English
    Congress is empowered:

    17. - To recognize the ethnic and cultural pre-existence of indigenous peoples of Argentina.
    To guarantee respect for the identity and the right to bilingual and intercultural education; to recognize the legal capacity of their communities, and the community possession and ownership of the lands they traditionally occupy; and to regulate the granting of other lands adequate and sufficient for human development; none of them shall be sold, transmitted or subject to liens or attachments. To guarantee their participation in issues related to their natural resources and in other interests affecting them. The provinces may jointly exercise these powers.
    … (Sec. 75)
  • Spanish
    Corresponde al Congreso:

    17. Reconocer la preexistencia étnica y cultural de los pueblos indígenas argentinos.
    Garantizar el respeto a su identidad y el derecho a una educación bilingüe e intercultural; reconocer la personería jurídica de sus comunidades, y la posesión y propiedad comunitarias de las tierras que tradicionalmente ocupan; y regular la entrega de otras aptas y suficientes para el desarrollo humano; ninguna de ellas será enajenable, transmisible ni susceptible de gravámenes o embargos. Asegurar su participación en la gestión referida a sus recursos naturales y a los demás intereses que los afecten. Las provincias pueden ejercer concurrentemente estas atribuciones.
    … (Art. 75)
Links to all sites last visited 6 February 2024
Sections from Chapter I on Declarations, Rights and Guarantees.
Sections from Chapter I on Declarations, Rights and Guarantees.