Constitution of the Argentine Nation 1853, as amended to 1994
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    The Argentine Nation admits neither blood nor birth prerogatives: there are neither personal privileges nor titles of nobility. All its inhabitants are equal before the law, … (Sec. 16)
  • Spanish
    La Nación Argentina no admite prerrogativas de sangre, ni de nacimiento: no hay en ella fueros personales ni títulos de nobleza. Todos sus habitantes son iguales ante la ley, … (Art. 16)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • English
    Congress is empowered:

    23.- To legislate and promote positive measures guaranteeing true equal opportunities and treatment, the full benefit and exercise of the rights recognized by this Constitution and by the international treaties on human rights in force, particularly referring to children, women, the aged, and disabled persons.
    … (Sec. 75)
  • Spanish
    Corresponde al Congreso:

    23. Legislar y promover medidas de acción positiva que garanticen la igualdad real de oportunidades y de trato, y el pleno goce y ejercicio de los derechos reconocidos por esta Constitución y por los tratados internacionales vigentes sobre derechos humanos, en particular respecto de los niños, las mujeres, los ancianos y las personas con discapacidad.
    … (Art. 75)
Links to all sites last visited 6 February 2024
Sections from Chapter I on Declarations, Rights and Guarantees.
Sections from Chapter I on Declarations, Rights and Guarantees.