Political Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia 2009
  • English
    The Afro-Bolivian people enjoy, in everything corresponding, the economic, social, political and cultural rights that are recognized in the Constitution for the nations and the rural native indigenous peoples. (Art. 32)
  • Spanish
    El pueblo afroboliviano goza, en todo lo que corresponda, de los derechos económicos, sociales, políticos y culturales reconocidos en la Constitución para las naciones y pueblos indígena originario campesinos. (Art. 32)
  • English
    I. The lands that are taken over shall be given to rural native indigenous peoples, intercultural indigenous communities, Afro-Bolivian and rural communities, which do not possess them or have insufficient lands, in accordance with state policy concerned with the ecological and geographic realities, as well as the population, social, cultural and economic necessities. The endowment shall be carried out according to the policies of sustainable rural development and the right of women to access, distribution and redistribution of land, without discrimination based on civil status or marital union.
    … (Art. 395)
  • Spanish
    I. Las tierras fiscales serán dotadas a indígena originario campesinos, comunidades interculturales originarias, afrobolivianos y comunidades campesinas que no las posean o las posean insuficientemente, de acuerdo con una política estatal que atienda a las realidades ecológicas y geográficas, así como a las necesidades poblacionales, sociales, culturales y económicas. La dotación se realizará de acuerdo con las políticas de desarrollo rural sustentable y la titularidad de las mujeres al acceso, distribución y redistribución de la tierra, sin discriminación por estado civil o unión conyugal.
    … (Art. 395)

Political Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia 2009 (English). According to Art. 5(I): "The official languages of the State are Spanish and all the languages of the rural native indigenous nations and peoples, ..."

Links to all sites last visited 6 February 2024
There are discrepancies between the English and Spanish texts.