Political Constitution of the Republic of Costa Rica 1949, as amended to 2020
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    The Costa Ricans must observe the Constitution and the laws, … (Art. 18)
  • Spanish
    Los costarricenses deben observar la Constitución y las leyes, … (Art. 18)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    This Constitution will enter into full force on the eighth of November 1949, and it derogates the previous ones. The existing juridical order is maintained in force, while is not modified or derogated by the competent organs of the Public Power, or has not been derogated expressly or implicitly by this Constitution. (Art. 197)
  • Spanish
    Esta Constitución entrará en plena vigencia el ocho de noviembre de 1949, y deroga las anteriores. Se mantiene en vigor el ordenamiento jurídico existente, mientras no sea modificado o derogado por los órganos competentes del Poder Público, o no quede derogado expresa o implícitamente por la presente Constitución. (Art. 197)
Links to all sites last visited 8 February 2024
Sole Chapter of Title V on Social Rights and Guarantees.