Political Constitution of the Republic of Costa Rica 1949, as amended to 2020
Head of State
  • English
    The President of the Republic and the Ministers of Government[,] with the character of obligated collaborators[,] exercise the Executive Power in the name of the People. (Art. 130)
  • Spanish
    El Poder Ejecutivo lo ejercen, en nombre del pueblo, el Presidente de la República y los Ministros de Gobierno en calidad de obligados colaboradores. (Art. 130)
Head of State
  • English
    [The following] is required to be President or Vice President of the Republic:
    1. To be Costa Rican by birth and [a] citizen in exercise;
    2. To have secular status;
    3. To be older than thirty years. (Art. 131)
  • Spanish
    Para ser Presidente o Vicepresidente de la República se requiere:
    1) Ser costarricense por nacimiento y ciudadano en ejercicio;
    2) Ser del estado seglar;
    3) Ser mayor de treinta años. (Art. 131)
Head of State
  • English

    The President and the Vice Presidents will be elected simultaneously and by a majority of votes that exceeds forty percent of the total number of [the] suffrage validly emitted.
    The candidates for President and Vice Presidents of a party, must figure for their election in a same list [of nominations], with the exclusion of any other functionary to be elected.
    … (Art. 138)

  • Spanish

    El Presidente y los Vicepresidentes serán elegidos simultáneamente y por una mayoría de votos que exceda del cuarenta por ciento del número total de sufragios válidamente emitidos.
    Los candidatos a Presidente y Vicepresidentes de un partido, deben figurar para su elección en una misma nómina, con exclusión de cualquier otro funcionario a elegir.
    … (Art. 138)

Links to all sites last visited 8 February 2024
Sole Chapter of Title V on Social Rights and Guarantees.