Political Constitution of the Republic of Costa Rica 1949, as amended to 2020
  • English
    Public education will be organized as a complete [integral] process correlated in its various cycles, from the preschool to the university. (Art. 77)
  • Spanish
    La educación pública será organizada como un proceso integral correlacionado en sus diversos ciclos, desde la pre-escolar hasta la universitaria. (Art. 77)
  • English
    The preschool, basic general and diversified education are obligatory and, in the public system, [are] gratuitous and financed [costeada] by the Nation.
    For the State education, superior [education] included, the public expenditure will not be inferior to the annual eight percent (8%) of the gross domestic product, in accordance with the law, without prejudice to that established in Articles 84 and 85 of this Constitution.
    The State will facilitate the technological access to all the levels of education, as well as the pursuit of superior studies to those without pecuniary resources. The conferral of the scholarships and the aids [auxilios] will be in charge of the Ministry of the branch, through the organ that the law determines. (Art. 78)
  • Spanish
    La educación preescolar, general básica y diversificada son obligatorias y, en el sistema público, gratuitas y costeadas por la Nación.
    En la educación estatal, incluida la superior, el gasto público no será inferior al ocho por ciento (8%) anual del producto interno bruto, de acuerdo con la ley, sin perjuicio de lo establecido en los artículos 84 y 85 de esta Constitución.
    El Estado facilitará el acceso tecnológico a todos los niveles de la educación, así como la prosecución de estudios superiores a quienes carezcan de recursos pecuniarios. La adjudicación de las becas y los auxilios estará a cargo del Ministerio del ramo, por medio del organismo que determine la ley. (Art. 78)
  • English
    The State will provide food and clothing to the indigent pupils, in accordance with the law. (Art. 82)
  • Spanish
    El Estado proporcionará alimento y vestido a los escolares indigentes, de acuerdo con la ley. (Art. 82)
  • English
    The State will sponsor and organize the education of adults, destined to combat illiteracy and to provide [a] cultural opportunity to those who wish to improve their intellectual, social and economic condition. (Art. 83)
  • Spanish
    El Estado patrocinará y organizará la educación de adultos, destinada a combatir el analfabetismo y a proporcionar oportunidad cultural a aquéllos que deseen mejorar su condición intelectual, social y económica. (Art. 83)
Links to all sites last visited 8 February 2024
Sole Chapter of Title V on Social Rights and Guarantees.