Constitution of the Republic of Cuba 2019
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English
    The following duties correspond to the National Assembly of People's Power:

    b. To issue a general and obligatory interpretation of the Constitution and the laws, in necessary cases, in correspondence with the procedure prescribed by the law;

    e. To ensure the constitutionality of the laws, decrees with the force of law, presidential decrees, decrees, and other general provisions in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the law;

    g. To completely or partially revoke decrees with the force of law, presidential decrees, decrees, agreements, and general provisions that contradict the Constitution or the laws;
    h. To completely or partially revoke the agreements or rulings of the municipal assemblies of the People's Power that violate the Constitution,
    … (Art. 108)
  • Spanish
    Corresponde a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular:

    b) dar a la Constitución y a las leyes, en caso necesario, una interpretación general y obligatoria, en correspondencia con el procedimiento previsto en la ley;

    e) ejercer el control de constitucionalidad sobre las leyes, decretos-leyes, decretos presidenciales, decretos y demás disposiciones generales, de conformidad con el procedimiento previsto en la ley;

    g) revocar total o parcialmente los decretos-leyes, decretos presidenciales, decretos, acuerdos o disposiciones generales que contradigan la Constitución o las leyes;
    h) revocar total o parcialmente los acuerdos o disposiciones de las asambleas municipales del Poder Popular que contravengan la Constitución,
    … (Art. 108)

Constitution of the Republic of Cuba 2019 (English). There are minor discrepancies between the English and Spanish texts. According to Art. 2: "… the official language is Spanish, …”

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