Constitution of the Republic of Cuba 2019
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    The Constitution is the supreme norm of the State. All are obliged to comply with it. The orders and acts of the organs of the State, their leaders, functionaries, and employees will act in conformity with that which is prescribed by the Constitution. (Art. 7)
  • Spanish
    La Constitución es la norma jurídica suprema del Estado. Todos están obligados a cumplirla. Las disposiciones y actos de los órganos del Estado, sus directivos, funcionarios y empleados, así como de las organizaciones, las entidades y los individuos se ajustan a lo que esta dispone. (Art. 7)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    … The Constitution of the Republic of Cuba takes priority over international treaties. (Art. 8)
  • Spanish
    … La Constitución de la República de Cuba prima sobre estos tratados internacionales. (Art. 8)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    The exercise of the rights and liberties provided for in this Constitution implies responsibilities. They are duties of Cuban citizens, in addition to the other duties established by this Constitution and the laws, are:

    b. To comply with the Constitution and other legal norms;
    … (Art. 90)
  • Spanish
    El ejercicio de los derechos y libertades previstos en esta Constitución implican responsabilidades. Son deberes de los ciudadanos cubanos, además de los otros establecidos en esta Constitución y las leyes:

    b) cumplir la Constitución y demás normas jurídicas;
    … (Art. 90)

Constitution of the Republic of Cuba 2019 (English). There are minor discrepancies between the English and Spanish texts. According to Art. 2: "… the official language is Spanish, …”

Links to all sites last visited 8 February 2024